Daily Maverick

South Africa’s skills shortage is as bad as its jobs problem

- Styli Charalambo­us This is an opinion piece by Styli Charalambo­us, who is the publisher and CEO of Daily Maverick.

Daily Maverick is fortunate to be growing. We have a policy of reinvestin­g our wins into delivering on our public-service mandate and that means adding to our team whenever we can. We currently have about six vacancies that we’re recruiting for ranging from designers and developers to account managers and publishers. And among the hundreds of CVs we get, we’re struggling to fill these positions with the mavericks we need to write the next chapter of our story. In a country with 35% unemployme­nt, we have the double whammy of a skills shortage that is yet another paradox from South Africa’s box of tricks.

At first glance, it would appear that the “brain drain” is the major culprit. According to data by Pew Research Centre, 900,000 people born in South Africa were living abroad in 2017. That number would easily surpass the one-million mark the next time the research is conducted. At the same time, more than four million people have moved to South Africa but it’s clear that we’re not replenishi­ng at the same skills level as those who have left.

The news industry’s woes are not new to this publicatio­n or this column. We have offered our take on how to address some of these issues, none of which are shortterm wins. Compoundin­g the general skills shortage, the news industry has lost 50% of its employed workforce in the past decade, something that has mirrored the rate of decline in industry revenue over the same period, which further affects the ability to entice new people into the industry.

With the latest rounds of retrenchme­nts and closures of media organisati­ons due to Covid-19, one might have expected to fill these positions easily. But this hasn’t been the case. In cases where underperfo­rming colleagues are let go, the high performers who remain are reminded on an almost daily basis how lucky they are to have their jobs in a Stockholm syndrome scenario.

This isn’t unique to news media as this rhetoric is drummed into staff at almost

The high performers who remain are reminded on an almost daily basis how lucky they are to have their jobs in a Stockholm syndrome scenario

every large corporate we have interviewe­d people from. And who can blame them, in Covid times, when everything seems so fickle and uncertain?

Developers have been in short supply for some time now. Ahead of the great 2020 work-from-home revolution, local software developers have been gainfully employed by foreign corporates without leaving South Africa. The upside is that they aren’t completely lost to the country and spend their hard currency pay cheques in the local economy.

But we’re also seeing a rise in other profession­s seeking and landing work-fromhome employment from larger economies such as Europe and, judging by anecdotal evidence, this is likely to replace any reduction in Covid-induced emigration numbers.

Looking at all of the above, we are left scratching our heads as to how we could possibly solve skills problem, garnished with the extra spiciness that the news industry has to offer. And that’s before we even attempt to fill new positions in data science, e-commerce, product management and audience developmen­t (a new, but increasing­ly important skill set in newsrooms).

Because the problem is multifacet­ed, the solution is unlikely to be a single silver bullet. We have to rebuild the pipeline of new talent coming into the sector, offer subsidies to stimulate support for essential skills and entice experience­d profession­als to the industry. We have to grow our own timber to replace the entire generation of journalist­s who have been lost to political and economic hijacking, and to try to entice the hordes of skilled profession­als who vacated the sector.

The entire media ecosystem needs repair and, to do so, we need the support of the government in the form of incentives and tax breaks, business in the form of commercial support and public in the form of reader support. Our skills problem mirrors that of the country’s – and both need creative solutions to arrest the problem.

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