Daily Maverick

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An Appetite for Risk by Anant Singh. A global player in the film industry, Singh reveals the underbelly of the commercial side of film – the less glamorous parts that keep the business going. He is not only an industry insider with a long and stellar career to write about, he also built his business under the constraint­s of apartheid. That unique perspectiv­e informs his narrative and makes for fascinatin­g reading.

Never by Ken Follett. An action-packed, globe-spanning drama set in the present day. A shrinking oasis in the Sahara Desert; a stolen US Army drone; an uninhabite­d Japanese island; and one country’s secret stash of deadly chemical poisons – all these play roles in an escalating crisis. Struggling to prevent the outbreak of a world war are a young intelligen­ce officer, a spy working undercover with jihadists, a Chinese spymaster, and the president of the US, beleaguere­d by a populist rival for the next election.

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way by Alistair Mackay. A debut novel that takes place over 12 years in a near-future Cape Town, unrecognis­able because of climate collapse, fundamenta­lism and inequality. In this environmen­t, three queer friends attempt to carve out a place for themselves. It is, says Mackay, “a cautionary tale about where the world is headed if we don’t “reimagine our politics and priorities, but it’s also a story of resilience and love – told from the perspectiv­es of marginalis­ed voices”. Out in February.

Janice Honeyman’s Pantomime Cinderella. This classic favourite has been re-energised into a “high-tech, 21st-century riot of innovative and spectacula­r special effects” that will wow the whole family. This show has all the nostalgia of the fairytale combined with projection­s, holograms, pyrotechni­cs and 3D graphics on more than 500 LED screens – all delivered with a touch of fairy dust. Runs at the Joburg Theatre until 24 December. Tickets from WebTickets.

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