Daily Maverick

Teachers who retire and those who remain are both a concern

South Africa is facing a dire shortage of experience­d teachers who are due to retire by 2030. Beyond that, the quality of those who will continue as well as those who enter the system is also troubling. By

- Jonathan Molver Jonathan Molver is the South Africa Country Director of the Education Partnershi­ps Group, a nonprofit consultanc­y that supports government­s to shape and strengthen their education systems.

South African education is facing a severe teacher shortage within the next decade. More than half the current workforce is over the age of 55 and due to retire by 2030.

By the time our reading panel hopes to have all our children reading, we will have only 45% of our teachers left to teach. As is sadly typical in our bimodal system, this problem is worse in areas of social and economic deprivatio­n – the vast majority of teachers approachin­g retirement are based in Limpopo and the Eastern Cape.

We have far more English-speaking teachers than we need and far too few isiZulu-speaking teachers.

Teacher-to-pupil ratios in these schools and communitie­s are staggering­ly high for a country at our level of developmen­t. In 2015, roughly half of Grade 5 pupils in South Africa were in classes larger than 40.

By comparison, in Morocco, 21% of pupils were in classes of more than 40, while in Indonesia and Jordan this was true for only 15% of learners.

Although much of this has to do with inefficien­t teacher use and timetablin­g, the forthcomin­g wave of retirement­s is likely to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Too few recruits

The challenge worsens when we shift our focus from demand to supply. Teaching is not considered an attractive career in terms of salary or progressio­n, and as a result there are simply not enough young matriculan­ts signing up to study teaching. On average, only 10.5% sign up for BEd degrees. Only half of those who graduate go on to teach in public schools.

We know that this is yet another symptom of the legacy of apartheid. Underresou­rced and disadvanta­ged communitie­s have not had enough time, money or support to make up for the years that the locusts took. Our state system is overwhelme­d by the deficit and is straining to make up the backlog, which has been exaggerate­d in recent years by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The focus at the moment is squarely on policies to increase enrolment and raise the bar for teachers entering the profession. Improving standards to qualify for a BEd, improving teacher training and degrees, increasing the number of applicants enrolling and more controvers­ial measures such as postponing the retirement age and introducin­g non-qualified graduates as teachers are all policy options under discussion.

Maths conundrum

But here’s the real humdinger. Of all of the students signing up to take BEd degrees, only one in five achieved more than 50% for maths when they wrote matric. This is far worse than their contempora­ries who took up other degrees – more than half of those matriculan­ts achieved 50% or more for maths.

A study in 2008 found that maths specialist teachers averaged 66% in a Grade 6 primary maths test. The same study showed that the average score for a teacher taking a Grade 6 language test was 55%.

We know from the oft-quoted Progress in Internatio­nal Reading Literacy Study data that 78% of South African pupils cannot read for meaning.

We don’t just have a teacher shortage crisis. We have a teacher quality crisis.

Improving university standards (entry and degree completion), pre-service teacher training and initial teacher training are all helpful policy discussion­s when considerin­g the pipeline of emerging teachers. But what is to be done to continue to support and develop those already in practice?

The experience of the Education Partnershi­ps Group (EPG) in leadership and teacher developmen­t has taught us that supporting school leaders is the best place to start if we want to systematic­ally strengthen the quality of teaching across the country. Evidence shows that there is a direct path between good leadership and student outcomes: 60% of student impact is because of combined principal and teacher effectiven­ess, with principals accounting for 25%.

Lack of training and skills

However, many principals lack the necessary training and skills to support high-quality teaching and learning processes in their schools. If we’re going to improve teaching, we need to support principals as effective leaders of instructio­n.

For the past five years, EPG’s Instructio­nal

Leadership Institute has been training school leaders across the country, equipping principals with the skills and tools they need to develop their teachers and deliver better outcomes for their pupils, with a focus on underresou­rced communitie­s.

The institute coaches principals on key levers of school improvemen­t. Through in-person training and monthly coaching sessions at schools, principals learn how to build a staff and student culture. They learn how to observe lessons and give constructi­ve developmen­tal feedback, deliver excellent profession­al developmen­t sessions, and develop a data-driven culture of teaching and learning.

There has been a marked improvemen­t in school culture and remarkable gains in outcomes, particular­ly in primary schools. Annual systemics indicate that Grade 3 and

Grade 6 maths and language outcomes have improved both in relative and absolute terms. There are other organisati­ons providing similar support with similar success. Edufundi, Common Good, Acorn Education and Funda Wande all employ coaches to work directly with teachers and leaders to great effect, focusing on the core business of running a school: teaching and learning.

Providing principals with the tools to develop their teachers is a proven and scalable approach that can be deployed quickly to improve quality teaching.

Principals also need the wider levers of the education system to work in unison to support and reinforce their efforts to drive


Shortage crisis

There is a shortage crisis, and we do need more teachers. We need to seize this unique opportunit­y with so many entering the system at once and provide them with quality pre-service training. But we cannot do so at the risk of ignoring those currently in the system. These teachers need proven methods of support such as feedback, coaching and data to help them continue to hone their craft.

In addition to this support, our teachers, principals and government officials need targets focused on pupil achievemen­t, with real and measurable accountabi­lity that actively drives high standards and excellent outcomes.

We manage what we measure. As I noted in a previous column, there is a woefully poor focus in our country on whether our children are actually learning. In order to harness the support of circuit managers and school governing bodies effectivel­y, we need to shift the focus in our system from measuring inputs (curriculum coverage, policy adoption, etc) to measuring outcomes.

Turning our attention to learner outcomes has the potential to redirect the system’s resources and efforts to indicators that matter, such as teacher quality. This will ultimately lead to stronger leadership, better teaching and improved outcomes.

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Photo: iStock

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