Daily Maverick

Better to wait for the right JSC candidate than rush in like fools

- Zukiswa Pikoli Zukiswa Pikoli is the managing editor of Daily Maverick in Gauteng and the managing editor of Maverick Citizen.

When in doubt, do nothing. The recommenda­tion to “rather wait” has been drifting in and out of my consciousn­ess for a while as people bandy about the pop psychology around decision-making, burnout and leading a balanced life.

To pause is a difficult thing to do, but health practition­ers and wellness consultant­s often give this advice.

The notion came into focus for me this week as I caught up on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) interviews for judges in the various judicial divisions taking place.

Of particular interest to me were the interviews for a justice for the Constituti­onal Court, a position that has been vacant since October 2021. Chief Justice Raymond Zondo recently came under fire when he tried to plug the gap with retired judges.

After the interviews of four candidates vying for the position, one was found to be unsuitable, leaving three for considerat­ion. But this does not meet the JSC’S constituti­onal mandate to recommend four candidates for the President to consider, so no recommenda­tions were made.

“One of the candidates was not found to be suitable. For that reason the JSC was unable to send four names to the president,” spokespers­on Mvuzo Notyesi announced after deliberati­ons.

I don’t think it can be stressed enough just how important the seat in the Constituti­onal Court is. After all, the court is the highest in the land and the custodian of our constituti­onal road map. Leaving the post vacant, especially for so long, has serious implicatio­ns. But, given the gravity and complexity of cases that the court deals with, it is very important that the right candidate is chosen.

Still, many are rightly frustrated, including legal organisati­on Judges Matter, which said: “We are very disappoint­ed that the interviews resulted in no appointmen­t. The court has been short a justice for a long time, and the lack of enough candidates is concerning. The court has experience­d delays in handing down decisions.

“We hope that the next round in October 2024 is more successful.”

This obviously also puts strain on the existing justices and stalls the pursuit of justice for those with pending cases.

I do, however, also appreciate that taking longer to make a good decision in the long run is the better route, rather than rash choices made as a box-ticking exercise that may have unfortunat­e ramificati­ons.

If anything, the term “judicious” rings true here as the necessary wisdom is applied. It is also endemic in the legal fraternity to err on the side of caution and be risk averse rather than to act fast and loose.

South Africa has been plagued by institutio­nal failures, but the judiciary has somehow managed to battle through and maintain its integrity and safeguard the country’s laws and people.

So I commend the upholding of principle versus expedience, while also commiserat­ing about the delays in meting out justice.

I trust that by October we will be in a better position, having paused to make a considered choice to aid the wheels of justice in continuing to turn swiftly and efficientl­y.

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