Daily Maverick


- Mike Perks

Letter from the editor, 27 April

Responses to

As a partially sighted citizen of South Africa, I’m still wrapping my head around which party or independen­t candidate I am going to vote for. It should be one that prioritise­s access to education and training for persons living with disabiliti­es.

The party or person should treat each disability individual­ly and not use a blanket approach, as each disability creates its unique needs. Employment of persons with disabiliti­es in the public sector is progressin­g at a snail’s pace, so my vote will definitely go to a party or independen­t candidate who will make sure that this issue is given the urgent attention it deserves.

So, I will be going through the manifestos to make an informed decision before I head to the ballot booth. The time to vote according to loyalty has come to an end. I’ll be voting for the party or independen­t candidate who will address issues that resonate with me.

Elphas Ngcobo

Greetings from Boston! I voted for the first time in my life in 1994 at the age of 35.

I watched the Mbeki administra­tion’s ineptitude and from then on saw a country that I love repeatedly plundered by greedy politician­s. I will be using my vote in the 2024 elections hopefully to rid South Africa of a party I no longer have confidence in.

For most South Africans living in the US, voting comes at a cost as there are limited consulate offices. I am registered to vote in New York on 18 May, so need to pay for travel and accommodat­ion.

Many South Africans living abroad just can’t be bothered, but for those who believe in the potential of a better South Africa, our vote is as important as it was in 1994.

Stewart Ting Chong

I was one of the 1.73% who voted DP in 1994, and have voted DA since. I have no hope that the DA will ever come to power, and its recent stances say to me that it will never have broad meaningful support.

I want to vote for a party that has a reasonable chance of governing in the future and can appeal to a broad base of South Africans. Rise Mzansi will be my choice as it does not have the political baggage of other parties. I hope my vote is one that helps establish a new era in South Africa in the years to come by creating a solid base in this election.

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