Daily Maverick

How to keep your brain healthy in this age of multiple crises

Our brain is essential for thinking, memory, creativity and focus – skills that are vital for us to lead a fulfilling life. To keep our grey matter in shape, we can start by adopting healthy lifestyle habits. By

- Dr Kirti Ranchod

The headlines are dominated by stories of seemingly inescapabl­e doom, and only occasional opportunit­ies for escape. From global warming to the ubiquity of artificial intelligen­ce, we are often left feeling anxious and vulnerable.

To respond to and deal with crises, we should be able to tap into our creative and critical thinking. And for this to happen, we need a healthy brain.

According to the World Health Organizati­on, “optimising brain health … can lead to a wide array of benefits for the individual and society”.

The brain is remarkable in its capability. It controls movement, speech and our reaction to pain or love (sometimes inexpertly). It is essential for memory and imaginatio­n.

It also plays a role in the regulation of the most vital of functions, the rhythm of our hearts and breath.

The brain consists of grey matter, which is primarily composed of brain cells, and white matter, which consists of connection­s between different parts of the brain. This develops as we grow, and throughout life as we learn, adapt and develop; the process is called plasticity.

Given its importance, the brain has three layers of protection and a complex network of blood vessels to keep it nourished and healthy. Even with this well-designed system of protection, this integral organ is also prone to illnesses, many of which are increasing globally. These include stroke, epilepsy, infectious diseases, dementia and mental illnesses.

A 2019 paper titled The Worldwide Costs of Dementia, by Anders Wimo of Sweden and others, explained that in that year dementia alone cost economies $1.3-trillion. Neurologic­al illness is reported to affect more than three billion people worldwide.

Even without an illness affecting the brain, brain skills such as memory, thinking, creativity and focus are affected by lifestyle factors such as diet, pollution, social media and smoking, among many others.

These are the skills we need to live healthy and fulfilling lives and respond to the challenges we may face.

With this in mind, a strategic response that includes brain health is vital.

What is brain health?

The World Health Organizati­on describes brain health as “the state of brain functionin­g across cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioura­l and motor domains, allowing a person to realise their full potential over the life course, irrespecti­ve of the presence or absence of disorders”.

Key in this descriptio­n is the importance of brain function to optimise potential and consider different aspects to support a healthy brain across the course of one’s life.

A collective response from individual­s, organisati­ons and national government­s is required to support brain health.

Initiative­s would include focusing on strategies to prevent illnesses, supporting healthier lifestyles and brain skills training.

Initiative­s to support brain health

There are several initiative­s in Europe and the US to support brain health. They often focus on illness management, but there is an incredible opportunit­y to focus on brain skills, optimise brain function and harness the potential of the brain.

At an individual level, adopting healthy lifestyle habits might reduce the risk of illnesses such as dementia, stroke, mental illness, hypertensi­on and diabetes.

Hypertensi­on and diabetes are both risk factors for dementia.

Healthier diets, exercise, adequate sleep and avoiding smoking all help to keep the brain healthy. Beyond this, one should include practical brain skills training, prioritisi­ng what you need to heal, succeed or thrive – skills or habits rooted in calm, focus, creativity and critical thinking.

For example, meditation would be a useful practice to optimise calm and support managing daily stressors; some studies have also shown that it can improve creativity.

South Africans are distressed

A 2021 survey indicated that South Africans were among the most distressed in the world and more than 70% reported that they were unable to cope.

Mental health issues alone are expected to cost the South African economy more than R160-billion a year.

Mental illness has an impact on cognitive function, productivi­ty, relationsh­ips, innovation and days off work, potentiall­y causing significan­t loss in economic output. This is not a problem that can be ignored.

Initiative­s such as individual wellness days or mindfulnes­s sessions are helpful, particular­ly in giving employees the resources they might need to look after themselves.

In this age of multiple crises, a visionary government that invests in a brain health ecosystem, identifies priorities and develops systematic strategies will have an advantage in the present and the future.

Priorities to consider in South Africa are ensuring food security, with access to healthy food and restrictin­g access to harmful ultra-processed food, plus responding effectivel­y to possible social media addiction and reducing trauma-related head injuries.

This approach could include art-based approaches, indigenous knowledge systems and community initiative­s, along with medical prevention and treatment.

Dr Kirti Ranchod is a neurologis­t, the founder of Memorabili­ty.co, cofounder and chair of the African Brain Health Network and a Global Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health. She has served on the board of Alzheimer’s South Africa and has extensive clinical experience in medicine and neurology.

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