Daily News

Chatsworth book

Reader asks why some drivers must park on pavements


collision. Not surprised.

Regarding vendors again directing traffic at Edwin Swales intersecti­on, I can tell you metro traffic officers sitting a few minutes away, trapping downhill on freeway in a 60km. From 100km to 60 instantly.

I say to hell with Cosatu, I live in Durban why should I pay for the roads in Gauteng by means of a fuel levy? I would not even be using those roads. People in Durban and other parts of the country must never let this happen.

The once-proud Metro Police has gone downhill since Chief Constable Alf Taylor was forced into retirement. Engage him as a consultant to get things right again. Fred. Hillcrest.

Motorists owe R1.3 billion. Is the Metro Police serious about making people pay their fines, when they have no control of our countr? I will pay my fine when the taxis pay theirs. I think that’s only fair. Or maybe I should pay my fine to the taxi bosses, they run this country anyway. I see these traffic officers relaxing by the side of the road and wonder, maybe I should have been a cop. Just find a shady spot and set up a speed camera and watch the money roll in. Actually hunting down criminals is too dangerous, let’s get the law abiding citizens to fund our incompetan­ce. They don’t have the time to query the fine, so they just pay it.

What a shocker! Paid R8 to park at St Augustine’s hospital for 30 minutes. Even Gateway isn’t that expensive. HS.

Wow, radio news says petrol down by a whopping 50 cents a litre. One rand would have been whopping, not a lousy 50 cents. After all, Brent crude has had a whopping drop in its price.

The M7 is a racetrack for trucks because there are no traffic authoritie­s visible. Must innocent people die first before we see action? A B Malvern.


Don’t joke: the fired Bafana coach wants R20m. Surely Safa lawyers are involved in drawing up the contracts and being fired for non-performanc­e would stipulate you leave with your shirt on your back and that’s all. If they haven’t covered this area of the contract, that would be why the team don’t perform. The rot starts from the inside.

Pitso Mosimane given the boot at last. Who will fill the hot seat? I’m hoping it will be Gordon Igesund or Gavin Hunt ahead of any overseas candidates. Patriot.

Bunch of headless chickens. I know it’s an insult to the chickens, but that’s SA football for you. I shudder to think where our football would be were it not for Supersport or Patrice Motsepe Sundowns. Palooka of Year. The idiot that offered Pitso (800 000 a month) Really? We in a PIT. SO! Desmond Moonsamy.

R800k a year seemed like a good wage for a clueless coach, then I realised it was a month, plus that settlement figure! Sickening. Now I know why I can’t get supportive of the game locally – soccer is like a government department. People grossly overpaid and under performing. Speedy Edy.

It is not the coach, but the players that should be given the boot. Why is South Africa not applying proper inclusivit­y of all races when selecting. Get proportion­al race groups based on exceptiona­l skill and merit and watch how greater positive energy will flow into our games and players. Let us all be proudly South African. Vigie Padayachee, Tongaat.

Pitso Mosimane earned R800 000 per month (after tax?). A lot more than most CEOs who contribute to our economy. We shouldn’t question what he earns, rather who determined his salary. This is a ridiculous rate for such a lowly rated team. Now it emerges that his sacking will cost R20m. And who pays? Of course us stupid taxpayers! He cares not – if he does he will refuse his package as he has already milked us. I am curious: how much do our rugby and cricket coaches earn? Dinesh.

Why not Gordon Igesund or Gavin Hunt for Bafana Bafana coach? Is it because of their skin colour? Shaun.

South Africa should host all the main football events – that’s the only way we are sure to qualify.

Finally a reporter with a view. Issues of this nature are addressed at Safa LFA’s – Local Football Associatio­n – but our appeals fall on deaf ears! Some presidents of LFA’s serve on the regional executive, as a result there is no one to address our (clubs) concerns at the regional. If Safa thieves don’t get off their fat rears and do some constructi­ve developmen­t of the game, then probably we have to get the Public Protector involved, since this is a blatant mismanagem­ent of funds.Disgusted Footballer.

Royal jubilee

I, like thousands of South Africans. love the royal family and all their going-ons. One can’t help but admire the queen who, as a young woman, took on such a position and ran a country for 60 years. The weekend show went off simply and the support of the British was amazing. I would like to know why we as South Africans know nothing about our king and his family. All I know is that they demand money in the millions for refurbishm­ents. Of what value are they to the people of this country who support them with their tax money? Zilch. Lee.

Why did the SABC have to show the queen’s jubilee? She’s not our queen, and I cannot see the role she plays in South Africa to waste airtime on her. Gregg.

Hey Sonjica, you want celebratio­ns of your king in KZN to reach the same proportion­s as that of British monarchy? Then you must get all Zulus together themselves to pay for their king’s celebratio­ns, since he and his opulent lifestyle shouldn’t be responsibi­lity of South African taxpayers. By the way – no-one is forcing you to read and watch festivitie­s in Britain. Stan.

Dear Mr Grumpy, you sound like a bear with a sore tooth. You are the biased one and most probably because you were not featured in Yogin Devan’s masterpiec­e book on rural Chatsworth. Bomvan YWP.

Agree with BackChatte­r about rural Chatsworth book. Doesn’t pay homage to the true pioneers who toiled to make our lives better. Seems book focuses on people who sponsored it and showcases their families. Totally irrelevant.

Odds and ends

The only reason our crime is higher than other countries’ is that we have a government that does not care about the welfare of its people. Too busy putting out bush fires and losing focus. NS.

I am unemployed. Maybe Safa should employ me as an Indian sangoma, because the black sangoma’s muti is not working. Shaun Derrin.

Thabatha Zulu, are you scared of the truth that you don’t want Zuma family news to get to the media? People like you can’t wait to silence the media so the ANC can continue to plunder our country. Jackson.

Now Richard Mdluli claims massive hypertensi­on to the interdict lodged by the group Freedom under Law. Another Schabir Shaik plan, I believe, in progress?

The sjambokkin­g of Comrades runner Qhina is appalling. Have the police arrested the “madman” – if not why not? Lisa.

Blade Nzimande is on the right path: the government must not deal with labour broking companies and they should not be allowed to tender for government contracts. You have my vote, Blade Nzimande. Gregg.

Would it not be nice that when listening to DStv music channels if we got some informatio­n, like what the tune is, who the artist is etc, instead of a blank screen?

Can anyone tell me what is happening to our winter? We had spring in autumn and now in June it’s summer in winter. I cannot stand summer, the Durban heat is so unbearable. Last year we had a very long, cold winter. I look forward to winter every year. Dave Overall, Montclair.

As a white person, I ask this: when the ANC government finally “hits the wall” and the country with it, is the blame going to be laid at the door of prosperous minorities, whites in particular? Will we then be stripped of everything we own? Kim.

Tobacco companies should take responsibi­lity for clearing cigarette butts from the streets or sponsor legislatio­n that prohibits smoking on the streets.

The Voortrekke­r High School PMB pupil must be allowed to play school rugby again, but only after a serious non-racial programme/course is implemente­d by his school and all schools: no to racism, yes to sports. Bhamjee, PMB.

How can a child not be allowed to board the school bus due to late payment of fare? We live in dangerous times and it’s not fair on this child, or any kids if they can’t pay on time, to be thrown off a bus or out of school. The single mom is struggling to survive, not getting a fixed income. Kids today just want to commit suicide if they feel stressed. Think about it. Gran.

And finally…

Eight little pills I must swallow in a row; one stops my water works, one makes it flow, one makes my pressure high, one makes it low, one makes me sleep at night, one helps my appetite, one helps my aching back, one helps my heart attack. Eight little tablets I must swallow in a row; How on earth do they know where to go?

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