Daily News

Manage better with a diary


TECHNOLOGY may have changed the way we live and given us the flexibilit­y to work from anywhere, but the downside is that we are swamped by demands seven days a week.

Keeping track of work and home commitment­s requires a new way of working, and while electronic diaries have their place, the best way to juggle all the balls is with a handwritte­n diary, says Charmaine Mill, a Westville businesswo­man, speaker, consultant and events manager.

Mill, 41, will be holding a course next month on effective diary management, and it should benefit everyone who works – from managers to support staff, and the majority of employees who have to juggle work and family.

“Electronic diaries are appointmen­t-based,” she says, “and there is no place for all the other reminders one needs to note, like ‘buy new school socks’, ‘fetch medicine from pharmacy’ or ‘get painting quote’. People tell you to use a diary, but if you are using it incorrectl­y it will not help you to be effective. Using it correctly can change your work/life balance and ensure you are more organised in all aspects of your life.”

E-mail is a stressor and Mill advocates entering into your diary the tasks that bombard you via e-mail. She carries lists over from day to day, but says her rule is to prioritise a task on the third occasion to prevent procrastin­ation.

The value of being organised hit home when, as a single mother of two, she worked several jobs to make ends meet. Divorced twice and retrenched from her job, she needed security for her children.

But when she applied for disease insurance cover three years ago, she was unprepared for a devastatin­g blow.

“A routine blood test for insurance revealed I had chronic myeloid leukaemia,” she says. “I had no symptoms so I was caught off guard. I started treatment but as I had my own business, I had to keep going, no matter how bad I felt. I had to focus on the positive and not let the negative get me down.”

In the midst of her turmoil, she put into practice the principles she teaches.

“With no fixed income, seeing to my children and dealing with my illness, I had to become organised and prioritise. It became a priority to work smart not hard so that I could take time for me.”

People say they are disorganis­ed by nature but everyone can be taught to be organised, she says; it is a discipline, after all. Being disorganis­ed is stressful and missing deadlines creates panic and paralyses us.

Mill says that when things become overwhelmi­ng, break your day into bite-sized pieces and concentrat­e on coping with one piece at a time.

Every day, schedule time for admin, for making your lists, clearing your e-mail, returning phone calls and doing your electronic filing. Then have your appointmen­ts.

“And schedule time for yourself. Everyone needs some down time and as a working mother you need to look after yourself, or your children will suffer.”

A course on effective diary management for all aspects of your life will be held at 64 on Gordon, Gordon Road, Morningsid­e, Durban, on Friday June 29 or Saturday June 30 from 8.30am to 11am. Bring your diary. The cost is R300.

For informatio­n and bookings, e-mail charmaine@inspiredex­perie nces.co.za

For more informatio­n, see www.inspiredex­periences.co. za – Lifestyle Reporter

 ??  ?? Charmaine Mill’s diary goes everywhere with her and she’ll be holding a course on effective diary management this month.
Charmaine Mill’s diary goes everywhere with her and she’ll be holding a course on effective diary management this month.

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