Daily News

Poor Bafana under the whip again


they will implement them, whether they are sanctioned by the authoritie­s or not. Hence there’s a new bravado in the way they drive and behave, which can only result in more serious accidents.

Why not implement legislatio­n wherein taxi owners are held responsibl­e for the actions of their drivers ie fines, funerals for those killed in their taxis and third parties, hospital bills and loss of earnings for those injured etc? If you hit the pocket of the taxi owner and he sees his profits disappeari­ng, he will then ensure that his drivers are licensed, his taxis roadworthy etc. Sick and tired of taxi drivers who kill, maim and destroy people and their families because of their reckless driving. They are not above the law. Desiree.


on the head with your “challenge” to Kenny Kunene over The Spear. Let’s see if the penny sinks in. Laura.

Mr Jazbhay is right: I endorse his view that nation building must start with civil society, and your front page article on the surgery on the unborn child with a photo of the white parents of the unborn child together with their brilliant Indian surgeon says it all. In matters that count, skin colour, ethnicity, religion etc are not real priorities to the man in the street, and the more we celebrate these type of events, the more we get our priorities straight. Well done, Daily News, for such positivity.

With the advent of cellphones and SMSes, the spelling and use of the English words are going to the dogs. Now that the SMS is an accepted way to communicat­e, it won’t be too long until our children will want to use this form of spelling to write their English language paper in their exams. English is a beautiful language; let’s not degrade it. Prem.

The ongoing rhino poaching in South Africa has to be eradicated. The police are making a significan­t dent in rhino horn syndicate activity, with tip-offs from the public resulting in seizures. With new technology and measures in place, we need to squeeze poaching down to zero.

The municipali­ty making changes regarding tenants not being allowed to pay their own electricit­y bill: Have they thought about how you prove where you live without a “light bill”, which everybody asks for in terms of Fica? Obviously not (once again) an idea clearly thought through. JM.

Agree with HS. Paid R8 for 10 minutes at St Augustine’s. Total rip-off. MI.

To the person complainin­g about parking rates at St Augustine’s: you clearly haven’t been in Cape Town lately. Canal Walk and Cavendish are just as pricey.

People park their cars on the pavements to prevent speedsters from smashing into them.

Oopsie, Daily News. Double story on Ashburton murder in Friday’s edition of the Daily News on pages 3 and 5.

Greg obviously knows nothing about how reputable labour brokers operate. Unions are more concerned about decreasing union fees than the workers, and of course they prop up the political parties. In politics, it is you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Nearly everyone understand­s what is going on. It is all about money and votes.

If I was the president of South Africa, pensioners (elderly) would not pay any tax, rates, water, lights and service charges, but I would tax the rich, wealthy and prosperous heavily to pay rates and service charges. There would be no corruption, fraud, mismanagem­ent and cronyism in my government. Dave Overall, Montclair.

And finally…

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