Daily News

I would never miss the July: drink spiller


THE man who picked up an assault conviction and a hefty legal bill after he intentiona­lly spilt whisky on President Jacob Zuma at the Vodacom Durban July says he will be attending the race meeting next week – but he has promised to be on his best behaviour.

Speaking to the Daily News yesterday, Daryl Peense was in good spirits, saying he had made a mistake spilling his drink two years ago, but he had made amends.

“I was found guilty and paid my fine. I’ve always said what I did was not intentiona­l, but a mistake,” said the Gauteng businessma­n and horse racing analyst.

Peense was convicted of assault for spilling a few drops of his whisky on Zuma from a balcony overlookin­g the parade ring at the 2010 July. He was fined R8 000 in December, with half the fine sus- pended for three years. The charge against him was laid by Zuma’s bodyguards and evidence in the trial was that the president had not even been aware of the incident, let alone the court case.

Soon after his sentence, he told the media this was the most expensive drink he had ever had because this episode cost him R130 000 in legal fees alone.

Peense said despite everything, he would never miss the Durban July as he is part of the racing industry. Asked what he would do differentl­y this time around, Peense laughed and said: “I can’t avoid a mistake. There’s nothing I can do differentl­y as it wasn’t done intentiona­lly.”


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