Daily News

Brickbats and bouquets greet news of Amla’s move



To the KZN Cricket Union: letting our home boy Hashim Amla go is a huge, huge mistake. It’s like Barcelona letting Messi go. Disappoint­ed.

What a shame that Hashim Amla is leaving the Dolphins. The KZN cricket management is very quiet about his departure. They could afford to bring in Ravi Bhopara of England, but cannot keep our homegrown talent, the world’s best batsman. Don’t the management team of KZN Cricket Union feel any embarrassm­ent for allowing him to leave? Prem.

Hashim Amla, a product of Tongaat, now moves to the Cobras from the Dolphins. What a blow. What a shock. Best wishes, Amla, as you find greener pastures. Brian

Jayanathan, Tongaat.

“Cricket reels as Amla walks” makes Daily News headlines in a crime-ridden country like South Africa.

Amla quits the Dolphins and it makes front-page headlines? Must be a very slow day on the news front.

It’s a real pity that Hashim Amla is leaving. Mr Amla, where is your loyalty? Is it about money? Don’t forget where you came from to be where you are: KZN.

The public is not fooled by Hashim Amla’s move to the Cobras. More moola is being offered by the Cobras. Nothing more, nothing less. No loss to the Dolphins as he hardly plays domestic cricket.

Highway crime

I would like to encourage Download QR code reader from i-nigma.mobi or your App Store residents of townships around the Hillcrest area to get organised and form neighbourh­ood watches or alternativ­ely engage with the councillor­s in the area to get proper policing services. Moaning about it without action will get you no joy. You will keep being targeted by criminals.

I think the reason there are more police deployed in the Highway area is that it is where the more affluent (black and white) live. They are the ones who pay taxes and the government needs the money.

MS, I live in a mixed race area which is a mixed income-earning population. We have crime daily. No extra cops sent here and our police stations are not helpful either. Not all whites live like the upper crust which is also a mixedrace area. We can’t all afford state-of-the-art security, we can’t all pay for security company patrols either. We are at the mercy of criminals same as you. Please don’t generalise. I feel as though I am in “lockdown” in my house and my area. SA is a scary place for all. Wish I could leave this beautiful country and live where I don’t feel so threatened and frightened. White Granny.

I suspect MS is a politician, trying to distract citizens from the issue of rampant crime in all areas by being racially divisive.

MS, just like thousands of other closet racists making everything a black and white thing, you are neglecting the obvious: our little town of Mandini had armed and very violent home invasions for almost a year. People got murdered, white people, and there were no task teams, not even a single trained dog was brought in to assist our little police station. My own family was part of the stats. The thugs eventually slipped up and were caught. My point is that it has nothing to do with race, but rather the affluence of the district. Wayne.


Surely it’s time to take back our kids’ futures from Sadtu? Let’s mobilise our own demonstrat­ion, meet them head on and bring hope back to our country.

A plea to Sadtu leaders at all levels: rein in your maverick members who have embarked on an illegal chalkdown or withdrawal of services. They are at school, so technicall­y not on strike, but not teaching. By their own admission they are operating under the radar. Our children are the biggest victims in this whole sordid scenario. Whither education?

Angie Motshekga accuses Sadtu of sabotaging education. The minister failed to deliver text books in Limpopo: was she not sabotaging our education? And no head rolled as Zuma promised. Motshekga and Sadtu are two sides of the same coin, both must be charged for sabotage. Principal, Umlazi Circuit.

Sadtu are a truly despicable bunch. They feel nothing for the pupils in their care, all they really want is power. Sadly the ANC government backs down every time there is a confrontat­ion.

I sympathise with the young woman who was left humiliated after not being allowed to graduate at UKZN. I had a similar problem with UKZN and had to spend a month confirming my degree. The woman who is in charge should be discipline­d. There were many, many others in the same situation. A simple apology from UKZN is not enough. Those who suffered damages should also be reimbursed.

Please, maths teachers, I ask you to explain to your pupils how to apply maths in simple methods. Pupils are hating maths because they don’t understand and have to go for extra tuition. Why?


I appeal to all the old stalwart activists who fought for our freedom to ask themselves: is this what we fought for? We are reaching the end of our lives; let us use our voices now. Pensioner.

Does Helen Zille have any other word in her vocabulary or is it just ANC this and ANC that? Seriously now, she needs to come up with something new if she wants to win black votes. Contrary to popular belief, blacks are not stupid.

When the unions have finally destroyed the economy of this country, there will be no more for this useless government to plunder for their fancy lifestyles. Can’t they see how the unions nearly destroyed Britain and learn? Cass.

I read a report that the Dutch prime minister saw a truck hit a cyclist. He stopped to give assistance. Can you in your wildest dreams picture our bluelight thugs stopping while transporti­ng Zuma, and Zuma giving assistance? Our mob would rather open fire. Barrie.

Don’t vote ANC again. We have never been so unsafe ever. We are not safe anywhere.

The ANC Women’s League demanding a DA councillor gets life for rape: is this the same league that toyi-toyied and demanded Zuma not be charged for rape? Oupa Bok.

The Presidenti­al Handbook is a “phantom” used by the ANC government as a smokescree­n for the wasted expenditur­e of millions of taxpayers’ rands on one person and his rather large family. RB .

Medical specialist­s resigning in droves: this country is being destroyed by a government that refuses to pay decent salaries because there would be less money to “divert” to their personal wealth.


Forget about how good Suarez is as a footballer, he is a disgrace to the beautiful game. FA should ban him for life. What message is he sending to young footballer­s? It will be a shame on Liverpool to have such a player in their squad. Up the 2013 champions.

Manchester City players will not be training this entire week. They are all busy polishing the EPL trophy to give back to the rightful owners. “Oneseason wonder” is what I call them. Reminds me of Blackburn Rovers a few seasons ago. Player 20.

Ole, ole, ole! Just to confirm that there is only one Manchester and only one United.

Luis Suarez has South African blood. He likes mealies.

Liverpool: If you have something within you, “You will never walk alone”. So, if you can’t beat it, EAT IT.

What’s common between Suarez and Tyson? Both have “white fangs”. Grrrr.

Ryan Giggs: 13; Steven Gerrard: zero. Nevz 7.


Well done to the Parks Department for felling and removing all the casuarina trees in the vicinity of Blue Lagoon. Now for the Durban Country Club to follow suit. Archie.

 ??  ?? ON HIS WAY: Hashim Amla leaving the Dolphins to play for the Cape Cobras has stirred debate among BackChatte­rs.
ON HIS WAY: Hashim Amla leaving the Dolphins to play for the Cape Cobras has stirred debate among BackChatte­rs.
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