Daily News

Graft probe blocked while PM weathers storm


ANKARA: A graft probe that has shaken Turkey’s government to its core and threatened Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s rule has been blocked, a prosecutor alleged yesterday.

“Clear pressure” from Istanbul’s chief prosecutor and police commanders had stymied further arrests in the investigat­ion, which had already netted several high-profile political and business figures suspected of bribery and corruption, state prosecutor Muammer Akkas said.

His charge came the day after Erdogan reshuffled nearly half his cabinet after the resignatio­n of his interior, economy and environmen­t ministers, all of whose sons have been implicated in the scandal.

The outgoing environmen­t minister, Erdogan Bayraktar said he had been pressured to quit, and stated “I believe the prime minister should also resign”.

The premier, though, appears determined to weather the storm, even as it inches closer to his inner circle and family.

He has claimed the probe was launched by a shadowy internatio­nal cabal, and has ordered the sacking of dozens of police officers involved in carrying it out.

But observers see the developmen­ts as a grievous blow to his 11-year reign, during which he has built a reputation as a formidable economic steward but also an autocratic leader.

Yesterday, the Turkish lira dived to a new record low on the developmen­ts. The Istanbul stock market has also taken a beating. – Sapa-AFP

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