Daily News



THERE are lots of things both big and small that we can do to ease our impact on the planet. If you’re not doing them already, you could consider 2014 as the year that you finally try one of the following: Big Green Resolution­s

Start recycling. Using separate bins, amass paper, glass, cans and plastic (including polystyren­e) and take them to your local recycling depot. Alternativ­ely, find a service that will collect from you (try www.yesrecycli­ng.co.za).

The Durban Solid Waste/Mondi orange recycling bag initiative will collect paper, cardboard, plastic, tetrapak and polystyren­e directly from your home on waste collection day.

Make your garden totally indigenous. In addition to crowding out many beautiful and useful indigenous plants, alien plants often consume an inordinate amount of water and can increase the range of disease-causing organisms.

To find indigenous plants and profession­al contractor­s who remove alien plants, contact the Botanical Society’s KZN Coastal Branch at 031 201 5111 or visit www.botanicals­ociety.org.za

Grow your own food. Fruits and veggies packed in plastic and transporte­d over great distances (consuming vats of petrol) aren’t great for the environmen­t. Furthermor­e, shop-bought produce can hike up your grocery bills. This year, grow your own salad ingredient­s in your garden or window box. It’s cheaper, and you can be sure they are free from pesticides, herbicides, and other potentiall­y harmful substances sometimes used in convention­al farming. It’s also a great, educationa­l family activity – planting, watering, nurturing and harvesting your crops.

Start composting and/or worming. Once organic waste is mixed with non-organic waste (for example, in a landfill) it cannot biodegrade efficientl­y. Build or buy a system to collect organic matter and turn it into compost for your garden. There is a wealth of informatio­n on the internet to suit every person’s space, technical ability and pocket. Worm farms are also a great, compact way to keep organic waste out of landfills while nurturing your garden or window-box (try www.wizzardwor­ms.co.za). Small Green Resolution­s

Unplug. As much as 10 percent of home electricit­y is burnt by appliances when they are turned off. Standby mode still requires some carbon to power the machine, so do your pocket and the planet a favour by unplugging the TV, cellphone charger, computer, etc when not in use.

Close the curtains. The added insulation keeps your house cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It’s especially easy (and important) to keep the curtains closed in rooms you’re not currently using, or when you leave the house. Also consider keeping the windows open in summer (to let in the breeze) or closed in winter (to keep out the cold) before resorting to electrical­ly controlled air systems.

Line dry. Tumble dryers guzzle energy, so take advantage of KZN’s glorious sunshine. If you don’t have access to a washing line, hang your laundry on a collapsibl­e drying rack next to your bed in the morning. By the end of the day you’ll have dry clothes and a clean conscience.

Make informed choices. Often we don’t choose green options because we don’t know. The energy required to produce a single aluminium can from virgin ore is enough to produce nearly two glass bottles, so go for glass whenever you can. Similarly, soap uses less plastic packaging than body wash, and because it is small and light, requires less carbon to transport it. So when standing in the shops faced with a myriad personal hygiene products, pick the soap.

Carbon offsetting. Calculate your carbon footprint (try www.carbonfoot­print.com/cal culator.aspx), and consider offsetting it by purchasing carbon certificat­es.

Spread the word. Here’s one we can all do. Tell everyone you can about going green, and encourage them to make the same small steps. Together, we can make a huge difference.

For more great green ideas, visit Lauren’s blog, Veggie Tots, at www.veggietots.com

 ??  ?? Resolve to go on an active family outing once a week.
Resolve to go on an active family outing once a week.

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