Daily News

UK vaginal swab demand


LONDON: British doctors say more parents are requesting so-called “vaginal seeding”, when a swab from the mother’s vagina is wiped into a newborn’s mouth after Caesarean section birth.

The practice, known as microbirth­ing, involves wiping the swab over the baby’s mouth, eyes, face and skin to bring it into contact with bacteria from the birth canal.

The hope is this may boost their gut bacteria, and reduce the risk of conditions such as allergies or obesity, experts explained in a report in the British Medical Journal – yet evidence to support it is lacking.

“Demand for this process has increased among women attending hospitals in the UK – but this has outstrippe­d profession­al awareness and guidance,” said Aubrey Cunnington, an honorary consultant in paediatric infectious diseases at Imperial College London, who co-wrote the report.

Some studies suggest babies born by Caesarean section have a different microbiome – the collection of millions of bacteria living in the gut – to those born vaginally. Research also shows that Caesarean section babies have slightly increased risk of developing conditions such as obesity, allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Cunnington said a theory had developed that this might be because the bacteria the baby was exposed to in the birth canal during a vaginal birth colonised the baby’s gut, so exposing those who missed out on it might help protect them. – Reuters

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