Daily News

Treatment by doctors leaves much to be desired



AU chief, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, says education is a key to ending poverty. So so true. But with the standard of education in our country, poverty is here to stay. How much can a person who passed matric with 33% expect to earn? What job would he get with this standard of education? Every time someone is murdered, we hear that he or she was the sole breadwinne­r in the extended family. Perhaps what Dlamini Zuma shoud do is embark on a drive to teach family planning and money management. This is the education we need to end poverty. It worked in China. Don’t bite more than you can chew. PS.

It is absolute madness for the ANCYL to support a whitecolla­r criminal like Hlaudi Motsoeneng. This is a clear demonstrat­ion of how out of touch the ANCYL is with the real world.

The youth should not be telling the elders who should be the next president of our country. They should also not undermine the deputy president unless they are ready to face another split and lose the next election. UKZN has got it all wrong. They already have students protesting at their campuses and other campuses around the country. However, next year they want to raise the fees by 8%. Now they want to move the business school to uMhlanga at a cost of 300 million. It would appear that UKZN has this agenda to waste other people’s money. They are certainly practicing the adage “cut off your nose to spite your face”.

So what does Mbulaheni Maguvhe have a doctorate in ? Definitely not common sense! Andy Leyton.

In response to the BackChat on DA members taking the Christmas tickets, I can attest to the commment because I was there. Yet this function was meant for senior citizens, especially the poor. Not only were DA members there in their hundreds, but also people from outside the ward. Above all, the DA councillor was rude and arrogant. In the past the ANC councillor used to ensure the most number of senior citizens clubs in the ward received tickets. The ANC members were always present to serve these seniors, not take the food hampers home for themselves.


The Mpisanes are loyal ANC members who are doing their best to avoid paying tax to SARS in an ANC-led country. That is loyalty for you. In China, tax evasion is punishable by death. Raphael.

Odds and ends

The Road Safety Action Campaign calls for the immediate resignatio­n of Minister of Transport Dipuo Peters following her confession that 845 people have perished on South African roads so far this December. From Richard Benson, Road Safety Action Campaign, Cape Town.

Self-confessed Phoenix drug dealer Vernon John is killed. Ward councillor Tino Pillay wants a task team to find killers. Are Phoenix drug dealers becoming an endangered species, or is it a case of no drugs, no Christmas cheer? SAM.

The devil comes to rob, kill and destroy. Killing of the innocent by driving trucks, bombing at religious sites are all attacks of Satan. Chetty.

We have been without our Telkom line since the beginning of November, and so we lso have no ADSL connection. The reason we have been given is that they have no cable in stock to replace the damaged one. We run a family business and rely on computer access to make a living. Any suggestion­s would be welcome, or does no one at Telkom really want to help. Lynn, Glenashley.

What gives with government’s GEMS medical aid? My Onyx premium will be 16.80% higher next month! Trust the ombudsman will investigat­e?

I was always under the impression that a news reader’s main function was to read the news to the public, not to have an in-house discussion between Ndoro and Herd. I personally would never act on either of their opinions.

Doctors must now be subjected to and experience marches and toy-toying outside their private practices and hospitals. Apart from exorbitant prices, they treat patients worse than dirt. We battled to speak to two specialist­s for two days to obtain progress on an ill parent. They do hospital rounds outside of visiting hours and in working hours are in consulting rooms, not taking calls or returning calls. When you do get lucky, they are always rushing. Nurses will not divulge, so we in a vicious circle.

 ??  ?? Power couple Shauwn and Sbu Mpisane
Power couple Shauwn and Sbu Mpisane
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