Daily News

US Muslim ban echoes SA’s Dalai Lama debacle



The so-called experts have moved the “doomsday” clock a couple of seconds closer to 12. Why worry about a clock? As soon as old blabbermou­th Trump opens his mouth again, some country is going to “let loose the dogs of war” and we will all be in the dwang.

US travel ban and protest. The US offers drugs, pornograph­y, sex, violence, serial killers, gambling, prostituti­on and numerous other deviant vices, but Muslims see the US as a destinatio­n of choice rather than Muslim countries with strict sharia law. It turns a belief upside down that Muslims put religion before anything else. SAM.

South Africa’s Home Affairs is hypocritic­al. They refused the Dalai Lama entry, twice. Is that not the same path that Trump has taken?

As an anti-American, I thank God for the appointmen­t of Donald Trump, as he will bring back Christian and moral values in that sick part of the world and I will be praying for him constantly. We need another Donald Trump here that will pull this sick new South Africa right. Dave Overall.

After the ANC-run municipali­ty under Sutcliffe virtually gave the Natal Command headquarte­rs away for a paltry sum, our mayor now decides we need a military base in Durban. Now the ratepayers will have to fork out for a new one. Someone obviously got a nice backhand when Natal Command was “sold”. Graham Rice.

Many Muslim leaders regard America as the Great Satan. I do not understand the huge outcry by Muslims who are peeved and upset when they are not allowed into this satanic country?

The truth is, under secret ballot, Trump was voted president of the US. Now the Americans protest his decisions (which he promised in his campaign) in public protest. In private they applaud his decisions. AK.

Road Safety

The death toll on South African roads since December 1 has almost reached 3 000 with no response to calls for a debate in Parliament on how to end this crisis. Surely the media should be demanding action from those in charge? Richard Benson.

I travel along North Coast Road daily and there are no signs of any metro cops on this busy road, especially at peak times. This is why taxis have a field day breaking all the rules of the road. There are two traffic light cameras on North Coast Road; one is facing the heavens and the other is looking six feet down.

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