Daily News

Ministers join in push to force reduction in country’s data costs


MINISTERS in the internatio­nal co-operation, trade and security cluster are pushing for the reduction of data costs in South Africa.

Posts and Telecommun­ications Minister Siyabonga Cwele said yesterday they will be meeting the operators in a bid to push down data costs.

In addition, they want to open up the market to small players, to create competitio­n and force a reduction in the prices.

Environmen­tal Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said this was a regional plan, but they want South Africa to implement it immediatel­y.

In the Southern African Developmen­t Community moves are already afoot to meet operators to push down the roaming prices.

She said President Jacob Zuma had also made this clear in his State of the Nation Address, and the government was concerned about high data costs.

“President Zuma announced in the Sona that the government and the regulatory institutio­ns would continue to focus on efforts to reduce the cost of communicat­ion, including data,” said Molewa.

She said they want to engage with the operators to reduce roaming costs in the southern Africa region as well.

This was reiterated by Cwele, who said that they would meet the regulator to promote the project. Cwele said in East Africa they implemente­d the roaming home-and-away product, and it did not affect profits. Instead there was an increase in volume in the domestic market.

Cwele said the government was aware that people were concerned about the high costs of data in the country.

Last year they spent R40 million supporting wi-fi programmes in municipali­ties.

The government has asked the Independen­t Communicat­ions Authority of South Africa to conduct a study on the cost of data.

The study will focus on competitio­n in the market. He said last year the cabinet approved a policy that would allow small and medium enterprise­s to enter the market.

This would increase competitio­n and force the prices to come down.

“It is only when you have competitiv­e service providers that you will bring the cost of data down,” he said.

Many of the people complained that the cost to communicat­e was expensive. MPs also wanted data costs to be brought down.


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