Daily News

Unlikely place to find terror

Suburban Manchester at centre of probe


WITH its red brick buildings, large villas and green lawns, the Fallowfiel­d area of southern Manchester might appear to be an unlikely location for an investigat­ion into Britain’s worst terrorist attack since 2005.

But on Tuesday, police forces launched at least three operations in Fallowfiel­d and surroundin­g suburbs in connection with the devastatin­g attack 2.5km away in the north of Manchester. Authoritie­s identified the suspected suicide attacker as Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old British citizen of Libyan descent, and Fallowfiel­d residents said he spent time in the area with his family.

In other communitie­s at the centre of recent terrorism investigat­ions – such as the Molenbeek district of Brussels and some Parisian suburbs – authoritie­s have openly acknowledg­ed problems with Islamist extremism. Poverty, crime and high unemployme­nt in these areas have long played into the hands of radicals, they say.

Manchester is different. Suburbs such as Fallowfiel­d are mostly culturally or ethnically diverse and wealthy, with little to suggest that neighbourh­oods there have dealt with extremism for years.

But even before Monday’s attack, counterter­rorism oper- ations had focused on the small part of the city’s south. Experts say Manchester’s hidden radicalisa­tion problem is not unique to the city.

“What we have seen recently is the emergence of clusters where groups of people – who often live close to one another – radicalise relatively quickly,” said Raffaello Pantucci, the director for internatio­nal security studies at the Royal United Services Institute in London. “This isn’t only happening in London or Manchester, but also in much smaller towns.”

The British government has taken action as networks of extremists have developed across the country. Over the past few years, several laws have been passed to give authoritie­s greater powers to arrest and prosecute attack suspects. Security services say they foiled 13 major terrorism plots between 2013 and March of this year. But at times, the expansive operations have come at a high price.

In 2010, authoritie­s in Birmingham set up surveillan­ce cameras to monitor Muslims suspected of terrorism, but critics argued that the operation placed all Muslims under suspicion. By the time the project was eventually stopped, it had damaged relations between counterter­rorism officers and the city’s Muslim community. Manchester “has avoided making such mistakes” said Jim Bonworth, a retired chief inspector with the Greater Manchester Police. “The British police rely on tips from community members. We cannot afford to lose their trust.”

Manchester’s experience shows that even praised community policing efforts struggle to prevent the radicalisa­tion of closed social circles across Britain.

“In the past, such radicalisa­tion processes have often taken place in mosques,” Pantucci said.

More recently, however, authoritie­s have largely lost the ability to monitor terrorism suspects during their visits to mosques or community centres. Instead, groups of friends or acquaintan­ces are meeting in apartments, making it nearly impossible for Britain’s stretched security services to monitor suspects, a dynamic that could explain the seemingly sudden emergence of groups of radicalise­d individual­s in places such as southern Manchester.

Members of the community said they were distraught by the police operations in their districts on Tuesday after the attack, which was claimed by the Islamic State.

“I sometimes saw him walk into his building alone or with friends,” said 32-year-old Neville Edwards, a neighbour of the suspect. “But nobody here ever really talked to him.”

In Manchester’s Libyan community, however, Abedi was not unknown.

A man who identified himself as a friend of the Abedi family said many of the Libyans who live in the area fled the government of Muammar Gaddafi and supported the uprising against his regime.

“The Libyan community was standing by the rebels,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity for security reasons.

“I saw the boy here and there and we were even once on the same flight to Libya, but we weren’t close,” he said of the suspect.

“I am more from his father’s generation. We don’t know what happened to him and why he committed this attack, but (we) are worried it might make us Libyans look bad.”

A taxi driver from the area said he had never seen Abedi, but had witnessed the aftermath of the attack. “This is such a cosmopolit­an city, but there are circles and groups of people who are extremely closed to outsiders,” said the man. “That is where teenagers or young men and women become radicalise­d. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.” – The Washington Post

 ??  ?? Police forensic investigat­ors search Salman Abedi’s property in connection with the deadly explosion at the Manchester Arena in England. Official records show Abedi was registered as living at the Manchester house raided by armed police investigat­ing...
Police forensic investigat­ors search Salman Abedi’s property in connection with the deadly explosion at the Manchester Arena in England. Official records show Abedi was registered as living at the Manchester house raided by armed police investigat­ing...

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