Daily News

Stub out that cigarette and get on the road to stomping out smoking


ALTHOUGH it may be easy for some people to just stop, for others quitting the smoking habit is challengin­g. If you’re thinking of giving it up, and you are ready to smoke your last cigarette, these alternativ­e methods may work, especially in the early days.


The usage of electronic cigarettes, commonly known as e-cigarettes, is one of the smoking alternativ­es gaining momentum in South Africa.

While e-cigarettes are considered trendy by many, their use is considered controvers­ial in many circles and it’s still debatable whether these vapour-containing devices should be used in smoke-free zones.

While they do not contain tobacco, most electronic cigarette liquids contain nicotine, water, glycerol or propylene glycol, and flavourant­s.

As the liquid in electronic cigarettes is heated, not combusted, during use, there is no smoke, but vapour.

Herbal cigarettes

Herbal cigarettes don’t contain tobacco and therefore have no nicotine. They are stuffed or filled with herbs or flowers and come in varieties such as menthol, ginseng or rum.

Some studies show they are just as harmful as cigarettes as they release toxins when burnt. Other types of herbal cigarettes are “bidis” and “clove cigarettes”.

However, these do contain tobacco and are generally unfiltered, so they may contain more nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide.

Nicotine patches

Using a nicotine patch can help to reduce withdrawal symptoms when you quit, such as strong cravings, irritabili­ty, trouble concentrat­ing, restlessne­ss, anxiety and trouble sleeping.

Nicotine patches can be gradually reduced from being used for long hours to a few hours, once the habit and routine of smoking has been broken.

Here are some tips from the Cancer Associatio­n of South Africa that you can follow to help you quit:

Decide on a date to quit smoking and stick to it. Throw away all reminders of smoking such as cigarette packets, ashtrays and lighters. Become more active. Aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes, three times a week. Avoid triggers that may tempt you.

The first two to three days are the most difficult. It usually becomes easier with time.

Tell your family and friends that you are trying to quit so that they can offer you support.

Your cravings will subside and eventually disappear.

Weight gain is not a necessary side-effect of quitting. Eat a healthy balanced diet that is high in fruit and vegetables.

Do not use a crisis or special occasion as an excuse for “just one” cigarette.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Quitting is a journey, so try and try again!

 ?? PICTURE: AP ?? Daryl Cura demonstrat­es an e-cigarette at Vape.
PICTURE: AP Daryl Cura demonstrat­es an e-cigarette at Vape.

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