Daily News

Corrupt officials are abusing privileges


IN OUR 23 years of democracy there has been outright and open corruption by the ANC government, which had been placed to manage the affairs and develop this country economical­ly, educationa­lly, politicall­y and otherwise.

We have seen the privilege given to some individual­s to manage the affairs of this country being misused.

Some have enriched themselves and their cronies and in turn the very people who have elected them to serve have been neglected.

It is a frustratin­g scenario on repeat with nothing being done to alleviate the bias and abuse of authority of some officials.

It is unfair for educated individual­s with the right qualificat­ions to not get jobs they deserve due to nepotism.

With our education, healthcare and unemployme­nt under intense scrutiny, and scandals arising every so often, more is yet to come.

We must rapidly come up with solutions to our problems such as crime, unemployme­nt and poverty, as they are all vital in the developmen­t of our country and our position in the internatio­nal arena.

I want to see my country flourish and not diminish with corrupt politician­s becoming heads of government. I want to see our justice system be fair to all, but for this to hap- pen we must first put the right people in place to run our country, who will not run it down the drain.

We must stop officials becoming rich through government.

We need to carefully seek to place the right individual­s with the right mindset and qualificat­ions to run this country in the direction that is beneficial to the greater population, rather than focusing on personal gains.

We need to focus on true developmen­t of our country and not be fooled by the lackadaisi­cal work being done by the individual­s we put in power. NAAZNEEN MOTALA


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