Daily News

Declining sperm count in the West


SPERM counts have plunged by nearly 60% in just more than 40 years among men living in the West, according to a major review of scientific studies that suggests the modern world is causing serious damage to men’s health.

Pesticides, hormonedis­rupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been “plausibly associated” with the problem.

One expert said the study was the most comprehens­ive to date, and described the figures as shocking and a “wake-up call” that should prompt further research into the area.

A review of 185 studies found the average sperm count of a man from Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand had fallen by 59.3% between 1973 and 2011, with a steeper decline since 1995.

But no significan­t decline was seen in men from South America and Asia.

Dr Hagai Levine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who led the research, said: “Given the importance of sperm counts for male fertility and health, this study is an urgent wake-up call for researcher­s and health authoritie­s to investigat­e the causes of the sharp ongoing drop in sperm count, with the goal of prevention.”

Many plastics contain chemicals thought to block enzymes that are important for testostero­ne production, such as bisphenol A, which is found in baby bottles, plastic plates and the linings of food and drink cans. – The Independen­t and Daily Mail

 ?? PICTURE: VIMEO ?? The sperm count of a healthy male should be 40 million to 300 million per millilitre.
PICTURE: VIMEO The sperm count of a healthy male should be 40 million to 300 million per millilitre.

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