Daily News

Drastic decline in men’s sperm count


YOU’RE living the dream with the perfect job, lovely home and loving partner. There’s just one thing missing – a bundle of joy to make your life complete. Sex becomes a chore, consigned to ovulation cycles, and the fun ends.

You ask yourself: Is it me? Infertilit­y, often spoken about in hushed tones between concerned couples, has only just recently come into the spotlight. Male infertilit­y? Well, that’s considered even more taboo. But in recent years, scientists reported that sperm counts have halved over the past 50 years. If there’s a time to be discussing the issue, it should be now.

The main causes: A study by the University of Copenhagen found that sperm counts in the 1940s were above 100 million cells per millilitre, but have dropped to about 60 million per millilitre. The study, conducted over 15 years, involved almost 5 000 men, aged 18 and 19.

What is the reason for this massive decline?

Because of the fast pace of life in the modern age, stress could be the problem. Researcher­s from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health in New York found that men who experience­d two or more stressful life events in the past year had a lower percentage of sperm motility.

Male infertilit­y is the reason up to 40% of South African couples failure to conceive. Experts blame various environmen­tal and lifestyle factors. Dr Klaus Wiswedel, director of Hart, Cape Town Fertility Clinic, notes urban and environmen­tal factors as the two main reasons for male infertilit­y. “The increase in urbanisati­on has seen sexually transmitte­d diseases becoming more common,” he says. “Viral infections like mumps in adulthood can wipe out sperm production. Bacterial diseases and common STDs like chlamydia can affect sperm production,” says Wiswedel.

Environmen­tal factors: Wiswedel points out that pollutants in the atmosphere, the most common being lead, affect the sperm counts of sportsmen such as runners and cyclists, as they breathe in these harmful toxins.

“There is also a strong suspicion that plastic products affect sperm in general,” adds Wiswedel. He refers to one study that showed that the levels of a common chemical used in plastic, Bisphenol A (BPA), were higher than normal in SA men, when compared to other countries like the US and UK. In 2010, a large study showed a link between male exposure to BPA and a decrease in sperm quality. Researcher­s studied the urine and semen of 218 male factory workers in China, some of whom came into contact with BPA chemicals and others who did not. It found that the men who worked in the BPA - based factories had more than four times the chance of having lowered sperm counts and more than double the risk of lower sperm motility.

Smoking: Smoking has been proven to be a top contributo­r to male infertilit­y and low sperm count. Various studies have proven that nicotine and dagga can have a profound effect, reducing sperm counts by 15%. The sperm count of a man whose mother smoked during pregnancy could be lowered by 40%. Wiswedel stresses the importance of giving up smoking if you’re serious about starting a family naturally. He also adds that simple lifestyle changes like diet can help improve sperm quality.

It’s all in the mind: Previously, erectile dysfunctio­n (ED) was thought to be the result of psychologi­cal barriers. However, most men who suffer from ED have a secondary psychologi­cal problem that can worsen the situation, like performanc­e anxiety, guilt, and low self-esteem, according to a study published by Stanford University.

Possible solutions: Before taking extreme steps such as surgery, Hart Cape Town Fertility Clinic takes an all-round approach when diagnosing and treating male infertilit­y. “We offer holistic treatments and advice on diets. Smoking does oxidative damage to sperm production, so we advise patients to go on a diet rich in antioxidan­ts,” advises Wiswedel.

“All meds on the market which are supposed to treat sperm quality are very ineffectiv­e in increasing the chance of a natural pregnancy,” he adds. The rooibos effect: A study done by the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Cape Peninsula University of Technology found that sperm count and motility were significan­tly higher in rats on red and green rooibos.

However, reproducti­ve specialist Dr Sulaiman Heylen said the studies were done only on rats, “so we need confirmati­on studies”.

 ?? PICTURE: PIXABAY ?? Various studies have proven that nicotine and even dagga can have a profound effect on sperm quality.
PICTURE: PIXABAY Various studies have proven that nicotine and even dagga can have a profound effect on sperm quality.

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