Daily News

Dear Sars, I have read Pauw’s book so please pay me



Just when are our local Muslim organisati­ons going to voice their protest over the Saudi murder?

Why is there such a huge silence from the Muslim community regarding the murder of the Saudi journalist by other Muslims?

When it comes to billions of dollars versus morality, money always wins. We can toyi-toyi with outrage, but would we sacrifice our business or jobs in the pursuit of justice and morality? Even if we did, we are powerless to the political and military power money buys.


Sars is at war with itself. This will not improve tax collection. We are losing billions by way of corruption and tax overlooks. Thousands of informal traders are not paying taxes, but own several homes, expensive cars, watches and jewellery, and specialist doctors who charge exorbitant fees, own several flats and apartments and call the rental income passive income, no tax. Others are working with unscrupulo­us lawyers and do loans to the poor, avoiding declaring income and avoiding tax. We, the poor taxpayers, are carrying the fraudsters and loan sharks while Sars is trying to find ways to raise another R50billion.

Floyd Shivambu says that “MPs are barking up the wrong tree”. Since when do the leadership of the EFF admit to any wrongdoing? Malema, Shivambu and company always subvert the truth and manipulate the ordinary populace with their lies. They are only interested in living the high life and not concerned with the poor black people of the country.

Mr Sars man, I’ve read Jacques Pauw’s book twice which entitles me to a sum of R240000. Please direct me to the appropriat­e sources so I can claim the amount due to me. Looking forward to hearing from you sir. | Vijay

The DA withdrew charges, effectivel­y clearing De Lille’s name and she agreed to resign as mayor. It seems the agreement was negotiated in bad faith as they have now resuscitat­ed the allegation­s. Voters in the Western Cape need to teach that unsavoury cabal in the DA a lesson.


Last season, the Sharks bottled it in the second half in last few games of the season including the final. They performed dismally in the second half against the Lions in the semi. Coach Du Preez, you’ve been warned. Rectify this or the pasting the Sharks got recently will be nothing compared to the annihilati­on they will suffer this Saturday.

Money and lots of it is stolen and nobody’s in jail for stealing, yoh I need to change my job. Where can I apply? | Joe Soap

Desmond D’sa is a champion. The unseen councillor is the exact opposite. Wake up community of Wentworth.

Believe it or not! My post box has become a safe place for a bird to build a nest in and raise its chicks. Three eggs have been laid. This is the first time this has happened in the 30+ years I have lived in my house. Needless to say, this is possible because of the non-existent service delivery by the post office. | Mc

Ahmed Timol: Great news. SAPS are being brought to justice. Now, what about Dr Hafejee’s killer who is free in Durban? Doctor was murdered in police cells. We want justice.

In the US, they have the NYPD. In Joburg they have JMPD. Wouldn’t it be nice to name the cops in Durban as DMPD. Just asking. | Alan

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