Daily News



THE front-page lead of October 24, concerning the shooting of two men in Clermont, refers.

According to your article, the men were wanted for the brutal murders of two security guards in Gauteng and had been traced from that province to Durban.

The report brought to mind the Cato Manor Serious and Violent Crimes Unit and subsequent accusation­s – subsequent­ly retracted – that it had deliberate­ly killed suspects instead of arresting them.

In the absence of incontrove­rtible proof, my view is that – as in the present case – these were desperate criminals, who had already demonstrat­ed by their actions their callousnes­s and utter disregard for the law.

It is well within the realm of possibilit­y, and highly likely, that these men would not give in without a fight.

The Cato Manor unit got its name from the type of criminals it was tasked to go after. These were not run-of-the-mill first-time muggers, but well-armed, habitual, violent criminals who, in most cases, had killed multiple times.

The two men killed in Clermont, if they were the guards’ murderers, could potentiall­y have had three guns between them: the one they killed the guards with, and those they took off the dead men.

My inclinatio­n is to give the police the benefit of the doubt.


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