Daily News



THE issue of religious and cultural rights of pupils at schools has again become the focus of discussion. Specifical­ly, the issue of a few pupils who are particular­ly religious or are undergoing religious instructio­n while simultaneo­usly seeking mainstream education in a secular schooling environmen­t.

The result is a conflict between the constituti­onal rights of religious freedom and the school governing body’s rules.

Cultural and religious expression­s such as to keep a beard, which in terms of some religions is also an expression of piety, are acts of religious freedoms protected by our Constituti­on.

A family member enquired at a Durban high school about the freedom of religious expression at the school and was told that the school does not allow Muslim male pupils to keep a beard, even those with a letter from their religious leaders confirming that such pupil is religiousl­y inclined.

This is a government school.

A few years ago the Department of Education ruled in respect of a freedom of religious expression case at a Durban girls’ school that religious rights must be respected. In this instance the female Hindu student was allowed to wear a nosering as part of her right of cultural and religious expression.

A school uniform policy or dress code should take into account religious and cultural diversity. Measures should be included to accommodat­e pupils whose religious beliefs are compromise­d by a uniform requiremen­t.

The school’s principal, governing body and management should accept that the Constituti­on of the Republic of South Africa is the highest law of the land and surpasses governing body rules. The latter should therefore be amended to conform to the Constituti­on and the Bill of Rights. Those that sign the acceptance of the said rules often do so under duress for fear of their applicatio­n not being accepted. These rules should therefore be flexible to accommodat­e such pupils rather than being exclusiona­ry.


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