Daily News

Ramjettan suspects denied bail

- ZAINUL DAWOOD zainul.dawood@inl.co.za

THE POLICE were expected to make more arrests in connection with the murder of Glazer Motors petrol station owner Kidesh Ramjettan, his brother Anesh said outside court yesterday.

Two of the three accused, Menziwa Mdakana and Zakhele Dubazane, made a brief appearance in the Durban Magistrate’s Court yesterday. They were sent to Westville Correction­al Services until their next court appearance, for a formal bail applicatio­n, on November 22.

They are planning to plead not guilty and will be represente­d by advocate Jimmy Howse.

The third accused, Ayanda Shezi, would appear for a pre-trial hearing in the Durban Regional Court on Monday, prosecutor Surekha Marimuthu said. The trio are implicated in the murder of Ramjettan at his Rossburgh business in August.

Outside court, Ramjettan’s friends and relatives carried placards and wore T-shirts imploring the court not to give the men bail.

The placards had a picture of Ramjettan with the words, “Justice for Kidesh”.

Anesh said the family was thrilled the suspects had been denied bail.

“We were not told anything about the investigat­ions. We will have to hear the details in court. The detectives are tight-lipped. I believe there are more people who are going to be arrested. There is a fourth party involved. Hitmen were paid to kill my brother. The court case is a step closer to getting closure. The family is still distraught, though,” Anesh said.

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