Daily News

R77 000 to print Thulsie dossier

- BONGANI NKOSI bongani.nkosi@inl.co.za

IT WOULD cost the State about R77 000 to print out documents detailing its entire evidence against the terrorism-accused Thulsie twins.

The South Gauteng High Court in Joburg heard yesterday, that the defence team for Brandon-Lee and Tony-Lee Thulsie now sought hard copies of the documents the State obtained for its case.

Prosecutor Adele Barnard told court the defence team raised issues about the digital material they were given.

“Although previously we agreed that copies, due to the volume of the evidence, would be given to them in a digital form, the defence indicated this morning (yesterday) they now require that all the documents be printed in hard copies for purposes of consultati­on,” said Barnard.

“Now, I indicated that a quotation that the State obtained – and that was while still in the regional court for bail applicatio­n proceeding­s – amounted to around R77000,” Barnard said.

Yesterday’s proceeding­s before Judge Raylene Keightley made it apparent that the Thulsie twins’ trial was far from beginning, and the State maintained it had a water-tight case against them.

The police nabbed the two after intercepti­ng data allegedly linking them to the Islamic State.

They allegedly conspired to bomb the US embassy and Jewish institutio­ns in South Africa.

The case was postponed until January 31 next year.

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