Daily News

EFF dress code is hypocrisy of the highest degree

- Shameema Omar | Barry, Montclair | Tony Lala, GCR

Christmas on the horizon. Notwithsta­nding reports that Juju will graduate again with more degrees. Fair to say that Juju can never do the work of Jesus Christ because Jesus was a carpenter and Juju failed woodwork.

I cannot understand the logic of the EFF’s attire. To complete the picture each member should also carry a step ladder and a can of paint. Do they want us to believe they live in shacks and use public transport? Hypocrisy at the highest level!

Please get over yourselves re Israel, Palestine, Yemen etc. While all terribly tragic, no matter which side you support, there isn’t much you can do so rather look to your neighbours, we have Islamic State and bombers right here in our own neighbourh­oods. Quite frankly that scares the heck out of me.


Northern Natal teacher engulfed in a scandal, lifeguards on a go-slow, mortuary workers join go-slow... The beachfront is a local and tourist hotspot and attraction, Carte Blanche featured the travesty of the used syringes and escalating drug scourge where the waste and drugged users use the piers and are underneath. Many of the poor suffer despite trying to improve their conditions.

I personally am prepared to spend some bucks to disguise the local Wentworth councillor and pay to hire a wheelchair to take him there to see the attitude and approach our seniors receive. I’m open for challenges.

So it’s safe to say this municipali­ty is doing nothing for recycling and provision of orange bags. What a pathetic lot who are more interested in wasting taxpayers’ money on unnecessar­y fan parks. Surely the recycling programme is a more pressing issue. And just where is our money that we are charged each month for refuse removal going to? The mind boggles.


I would like to know why people who are living in flats feel they have the right to disturb others. They play loud music which penetrates through these hollow blocks. When you approach them it’s like you are nasty. I mean we all love music but please people play for yourselves.

Every day we are stunned to learn of the crime and violence around us. It is clear that there is no law and order. The SAPS staff, paid from our hard-earned tax money, are on a “permanent go-slow”, and the minister of police is ineffectiv­e. Instead of ensuring that the policeman who gunned down his estranged wife and her brother inside the Durban Regional Court, did not enter with a gun, the SAPS spokespers­on would rather advise women in abusive relationsh­ips to seek profession­al help and speak out. This is passing the buck. When will this government get their act together and do their jobs?

More small shops closing down. Is it because of the very high rent they have to pay or is it the monopoly of the big boys who can jointly set the prices as they feel? This is a sign of somebody trying to make some money but in the end closing down and ending up as a sweeper in a big store. There is no chance for a small person as they will end up with no sleep and continuous­ly worry about what they can do next. Bring back “Corner Cafés” that had so much to offer to make a visit worthwhile. |

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