Daily News

Undercurre­nt of racism in Ramaphosa’s speeches



I THINK load shedding is deliberate. Remember, we had this nonsense some years back. But when the Guptas captured Eskom load shedding suddenly disappeare­d and it was announced there would no longer be load shedding. Now it’s back. Eskom wants a massive rise in tariffs and may be playing a game to deceive the public into coughing up more for electricit­y. After all, the Eskom chief executive annually earns in excess of R8 million. The people do not need another crisis. Perhaps some people may even be pushing for nuclear energy at an immense cost. This could be another scandal like the arms deal. Eskom needs to be urgently investigat­ed.

The quality of policing in SA can be judged by how long it is taking to investigat­e whether Malema discharged a firearm in public. | AK 48

Listening to Ramaphosa talking about land, I have adopted the following definition­s emanating from his speeches. He mentions “our people”, which I now accept as black people. He mentions “a small minority”, which I now accept as being white people. If there is not an undercurre­nt of racism in these utterances, banish me. | Hector van Heerden

Healthcare, SABC, Eskom, transport, education, VBS bank. Please vote ANC in 2019 so we can destroy what is left of this beautiful country.

Please tell me when the Minister of Health wakes up to the fact that Dhlomo is totally useless. Goes from one crisis to the next. We are talking about people’s lives! Posing for selected pictures making himself look like a big hero, instead of sorting the critical crisis his health department is in.

With his skills, Mark Kingon would make an excellent Inspector-General if such post is establishe­d, but not as new Sars commission­er as he was silent during Moyane’s reign of terror and destructio­n.


Universiti­es are profit driven with no foresight. They produce over 6 000 teacher graduates a year, yet only about 2 000 are employed permanentl­y. Most remain unemployed while a few work for governing bodies earning a pittance. Other profession­s like HR suffer the same consequenc­e. Universiti­es and colleges must collaborat­e and train for relevance in this century.

I was looking for parking at the west end of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Street (Grey). A store owner told me to park (illegally) at the corner of Carlisle Street, assuring me that no cops come this way. | Daloo Mahadeo

Our local guys get life in jail for cannibalis­m but alleged murderer and “dismembere­r” Crown Prince Salman of Saudi smiles all the way to the next Trade Summit, like nothing happened! | ese

An armed regiment of warriors at a state mortuary set in motion what will follow when government is unable to function. The next may be the SABC or army base or government department­s. It’s no use explaining anything. We had enough b ******* from talkers without brains. | SAM

I question why driving licences have to be renewed at all. In the UK once you get it, you have it for life. Here it just seems like a money making scheme that needlessly burdens the population. Stupid and cynical. | Mike

Wow I just saw an article in a local newspaper about metro cops. Please can you come to Wentworth. We don’t sleep at weekends with all the noise from the car wash area. Cars play loud music, they spin and drink and when you phone our local police – no joy.

Dear parents of Westcliff Chatsworth area… please note Summit Primary and Greenvale Primary Schools will close in 2019, sad.

Please tell the metro cops to remove all these able bodied males in their prime. They have become profession­al beggars at the Overport traffic lights, especially Kenilworth, Brickfield and Sparks roads. They are creating a nuisance, especially standing with pathetic faces in the middle of the roads. Jaddy

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