Daily News

Sun City storm means ‘water snake is angry’


A TRADITIONA­L philosophe­r yesterday claimed the massive hailstorm that hit Sun City resort at the weekend was a sign that the area’s mythical water snake had been angered. Grace stromMasuk­u said Sun City was built on land of the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela tribe and its elders knew why no one was allowed to enter the sacred area.

“People have disappeare­d trying to pass through the area wrongfully,” she said from her home in Moruleng at the foot of the Pilanesber­g near Sun City.

“I was there when the first meeting to build Sun City was held. Elders present told the white people it was impossible to build in the area of the forefather­s. They knew because they could communicat­e with the water. What happened in that hotel means something has to be corrected. Itlholenog­e [the name of both the water snake and the area] is a guardian of the area and he is angry,” she said.

Masuku said Waterworld near the Cabanas Hotel in Sun City was built to appease the snake. “It would be its new home after Cascades Hotel was built in its home. The area was chosen by the snake as a place to live on. The white people came knowing about Itlholenog­e, their aim was to test their theories. When they started building Cascades water came out of walls – a sign they were not wanted. This hailstorm is another sign to fix something. If it too will be ignored more will follow,” she warned. Masuku, 86, a former school principal is known as an authority on African customs.

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