Daily News

Motsoeneng lacks leadership skills


FOR those who watched the Morning

Live interview of former SABC COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng by presenter Sakina Kamwendo, I am certain they had to pinch themselves repeatedly and painfully, to believe what they were watching was in fact real.

Motsoeneng, egotistica­l and megalomani­acal to the end, epitomised almost clinically the kind of degenerati­ve leadership that was entrusted to head institutio­ns of public interest and value.

Dithering, stuttering and stammering his way through the interview, he looked like a pathetic creature fighting to survive an inevitable onslaught, where facts were being trumped by the figment of his imaginatio­n as he could not proffer direct answers to questions, stumbling and bumbling all the way.

Moronic might have been an apt descriptio­n of his responses, but alas that would be yielding too much credit to a person who really fashioned his world in make-belief and fantasy.

His delusions of grandeur were nothing short of stupefying.

There can be no doubt that Motsoeneng was by far the greatest disaster to beset the SABC – his disputatio­n of facts against his own perceived opinions, cosmetic dressing of his alleged unfathomab­le contributi­on to delivering a profitable and accountabl­e organisati­on, and in short his despicable condescens­ion in the face of reality makes us ever so thankful that we are no longer subject to his disgracefu­l buffoonery.

He became both the mascot and the flagship of our rapidly degenerati­ng banana republic and any sarcasm or caricature directed at him by the writer is meant with extreme intensity and absolute verve.

Thank God Motsoeneng is now a relic on the scrapheap of disasters, as his self-made image putrefies and festers in his own megalomani­a and almost indecent immodesty. Good riddance, Hlaudi! Narendh Ganesh Durban North

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