Daily News

Revoke citizenshi­p of those who join IDF


THE government should start revoking the citizenshi­p of South Africans who sign up and serve in the Israeli Defence Force.

The revocation of citizenshi­p will send a message of deterrence to anyone considerin­g joining the IDF.

Israeli forces unlawfully kill Palestinia­n civilians, including children, and unlawfully detain within Israel thousands of Palestinia­ns from the Occupied Palestinia­n Territorie­s (OPT), holding them in administra­tive detention without charge or trial.

Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, including children, is committed with impunity.

Reported methods include beatings, slapping, painful shackling, sleep deprivatio­n, use of stress positions and threats.

Israel continues to demolish Palestinia­n homes in the West Bank and in Palestinia­n villages inside Israel, forcibly evicting residents.

Thousands of African asylumseek­ers have been threatened with deportatio­n or already deported.

The IDF kills innocent people and detains dissenters.

They cause death and destructio­n on stolen land.

The Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act also forbids South Africans from offering medical or security services in conflict zones without authorisat­ion. It is time the South African government enforces this. SAIF SOOFIE Durban

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