Daily News

Leaders bear culpabilit­y

South Africa’s ‘nine wasted years’ can be pinned on the ANC’s ‘collective responsibi­lity’


OLIVER Tambo, the longest-serving president of the ANC, famously opined that “nothing can destroy the ANC except for the ANC itself”.

While meant as advice and warning, these words have a prophetic ring.

Over the years, disgruntle­ment with the ANC has led to the creation of many splinter groups. It could be that the party of Tambo, Sisulu and Mandela has outlived its purpose. The broad church, far from being united, is imploding under the weight of deep internal ideologica­l contradict­ions.

Triumphali­sm, expediency and crass opportunis­m have displaced the promised unity and renewal. In the absence of a clear vision, party leaders have resorted to desperate measures.

Nothing exemplifie­s this more than the party’s attempt to use Jacob Zuma as a scapegoat for its failures.

The party has become so desperate that it characteri­sed the past nine years of the Zuma era as “wasted”, signalling a dark period. But the politics of desperatio­n are dangerous. They easily lead to self-mutilation.

First, the ANC leaders risk exposing themselves to charges of hypocrisy. After all, these same members served under the Zuma administra­tion, either as members of the top six, members of the national working committee, members of the powerful national executive committee or as Cabinet ministers. Their expedient attempt to seek a scapegoat is self-serving. It is an attempt to exonerate themselves from assuming collective culpabilit­y.

Some leading members of the ANC joined forces with many in stating that Zuma was the main reason the country is hobbled from being prosperous. This is hardly objective or accurate.

Zuma himself admits mistakes were made, but under his administra­tion the nation achieved many socio-economic milestones, particular­ly for the poorest and most disadvanta­ged.

Early indication­s are that the removal of Zuma will bring little relief to the majority of South Africa’s people, who are poor and landless, and will not better South Africa’s prospects.

The New Dawn, puffed up as a “spring of hope”, has shown little promise of taking South Africa out of a “winter of despair”.

Second, these members risk exposing the ANC to charges of perjury for deliberate­ly misleading Parliament.

The notion of nine wasted years stands in glaring contrast to the many statements they made in Parliament.

In his 2016 Budget Vote, Minister Blade Nzimande noted that under the Zuma administra­tion university access expanded by the establishm­ent of new institutio­ns.

“Sol Plaatje University and the University of Mpumalanga… R1.6 billion was invested and 17 new buildings built, enabling this expansion. New infrastruc­ture for further expansion in 2017 valued at R1.26bn is under constructi­on… On behalf of all of the beneficiar­ies, allow me to express our profound gratitude to the president.”

In 2017, Minister Ebrahim Patel noted that “investment in infrastruc­ture has grown in the past year, with R300bn in investment in the National Infrastruc­ture Plan by the public and private sector. This is more than R1bn per working day spent to improve the foundation­s of the economy and service-delivery to people.”

Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe, pointed out that the ocean economy unlocked investment­s amounting to around R17bn and led to 4 500 jobs being created.

Unfortunat­ely these and many achievemen­ts remain largely under-reported if reported at all. Painting failure is the default position of most of the media. If the narrative of nine wasted years is to hold, then Parliament must accept that it was lied to.

Triumphali­sm and factionali­sm are at the heart of this inconsiste­ncy. This does nothing but arm the opposition with effective political weaponry.

Third, such pronouncem­ents betray their lack of appreciati­on of constituti­onal stipulatio­ns. Section 92 (3) is unequivoca­l that “members of Cabinet are accountabl­e collective­ly and individual­ly”.

Put differentl­y, those who now want to convenient­ly distance themselves from whatever mess was created during their term are asking the nation to forgive them as if they were bewitched by the person of Jacob Zuma, and rendered helpless without any power of influence.

Indeed, the refrain that is easily accommodat­ed is that we didn’t know.

Surely this will not wash for discerning voters? The concept of collective accountabi­lity is invoked when it is convenient to do so.

Responding to a DA question on whether he supported the government Nuclear Programme, Ramaphosa said he attended the meeting that took a decision to proceed further with a nuclear build programme, but was quick to point out “all members of Cabinet, regardless of their personal views, are bound by decisions taken by Cabinet and are collective­ly responsibl­e for implementi­ng those decisions”.

Even the most propagandi­st pens cannot ink out that Ramaphosa served as deputy president over many of the “nine wasted years”.

There may still be time for the ANC to redeem itself. But such redemption must start with honesty and acceptance of collective culpabilit­y.

If the narrative of nine wasted years is to hold, then Parliament must accept it was lied to

Prof Seepe is a political analyst and Heller is a communicat­ions specialist

 ??  ?? PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma posing with Cabinet members appointed in his March 2017 reshuffle.
PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma posing with Cabinet members appointed in his March 2017 reshuffle.
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