Daily News

Boucher’s Markram poser


TITANS coach Mark Boucher admits that losing Aiden Markram for today’s Momentum One-Day Cup game against the Cape Cobras is a loss ahead of the clash in Centurion.

The 24-year-old banged down the door of the national selectors in the three matches he played in recent weeks, scoring two centuries and an outrageous 43-ball 85 in the previous win over the Warriors that shot his side to the top of the table.

It has seen Markram, who has both a competitio­n average and strike rate of 131, recalled by the Proteas for the remainder of their ODI series against Sri Lanka.

“I expected to lose him, to be honest,” the Titans coach said. “Having watched him over the last few games, he’s been great.

“I think he’s just proved that he’s one step ahead of the rest. He’s in his rightful place now and we’ll have to fill the gap. Losing players to South Africa is what pleases us, so good luck to him.”

After a slow start, the Titans have begun to find their form and are now ahead of the pack in the race for the play-offs. They lead the standings with 18 points from six games, the same number as the Warriors but with a game in hand.

“There’s quite a few sides in the mix now and it’s getting congested at the top,” Boucher said.

“Thankfully we have a game in hand, so that gives us one game of breathing space.

“Our intention from the start was to try and end up at the top and we’re in a good position.”

Coach Ashwell Prince has also seen his Cobras side pick up after a slow start. They have won all three matches on the road thus far and another on the highveld today (1.30pm start) will put them top.


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