Daily News




“Simple Saturday” columns focus on improving basic technique and developing logical thinking.

“Murphy’s Law” is ubiquitous. (“You won’t remember to take out the garbage until the garbage truck is at the house next door.”) When you are declarer, you can bet that what can’t possibly go wrong will anyway. Against today’s four spades, West led the king of clubs. (A trump might have been better.) South took the ace and led the A-K of diamonds, planning to ruff his low diamonds in dummy.

One Trump

Something went wrong when West ruffed and led a trump. Then dummy had only one trump left while South had two low diamonds, and when East had the ace of hearts, South lost three more tricks. South has nine tricks: six trumps, two diamonds and a club. He needs only one diamond ruff in dummy to make game. So after South takes the ace, he must lead a low diamond. If East returns a club, South ruffs, ruffs a low diamond in dummy and draws trumps for 10 sure tricks.

Daily Question You hold:

♠ K7 ♥ K 7 6 3 ♦ 83 ♣ A 10 5 4 2. Your partner opens one heart, and you bid three hearts (a “limit raise,” inviting game). Partner then bids three spades. What do you say?


If partner wanted to play at four hearts, he would have bid it. His three spades aspires to bigger things. You should “cue-bid” four clubs to show your ace. If partner next signs off at four hearts, you can continue with a cue bid of four spades to show the king.

South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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