Daily News

NHI’s R450bn not for our health, but to enrich others



Malema: “Mkhwebane credibilit­y doesn’t matter. We care about her findings.” Isn’t this a contradict­ion in terms?

Appalling road crashes were reported over the long weekend but still our useless opposition parties fail their solemn duty to demand that our government implement the well-known road safety measures designed to cut road deaths by as much as 90%. | Richard Benson, Road Safety Action Campaign, Cape Town.

ANC might lose the next general elections. It’s believed 3% of DA voters voted ANC in the last elections and in the next elections they’ll vote DA. EFF might grow to 14% in the next elections and small parties such as the IFP will grow. And the ANC, which will likely be led by Mabuza or Mantashe, will get 47%. DA, EFF and smaller parties will then form a coalition government. Maimane becoming president of the country, Malema becoming deputy. The future looks promising.

New South Africa… 1994, most everything worked. 2019, very little working. Especially the people. However, all is not lost... Strong government is needed. | Robert

Johannesbu­rg CBD is being cleaned up by authoritie­s to eliminate crime and counterfei­t goods. KZN is lagging behind as usual, Durban CBD full of counterfei­t and stolen goods. KZN authoritie­s are more interested in politics.

It’s good to try different things in our health-care system, a system which can benefit all. The NHI Bill may work or may not. But I’m saying it won’t work, reason being, it will cost plus or minus R450billio­n a year. Now this is huge money waiting to be stolen. One cannot tell me this money will be put to good use. In a few years’ time, one will hear the NHI is asking for a bailout. We’re tired of hearing this thing called bailout. At the moment we’re living from hand to mouth. This July increases have made our lives miserable. This bailout affects us all, the taxpayers. In a few years from now we’ll be working only to be paying the government. Things can work out in South Africa, but only if we stop corruption. Corruption is bringing this beautiful country to its knees. | Camel

Government is still misusing state funds: 80 new BMW 3 series in one month reminds us that this country will be drained of our funds until we run dry.


In Beach Road in Toti, they pulled up the pavement two weeks ago and ran away. What happened? No money to finish the job? | buzz

In the picture on the front page of The Daily News our Madame Mayor is seen waving at someone while her handbag is carried by a gentleman next to her! The Queen of England has at least managed to carry her own while waving to the crowds. | Lynn, Glen Ashley.

To those moronic metro police who harassed the Good Samaritan handing out food parcels to the hungry (from the video it seemed like the Addington area): you are very low-class human beings. Your boss should reprimand you for your behaviour. This is the reason South Africans are not progressin­g, because of people like you. | Daloo Mahadeo


Durban’s dry dock has been empty for months because South Africa’s dock fees are the highest in Africa. The ship-repair industry provided hundreds of jobs, thereby boosting our economy.

The biggest problem with unruly, disruptive and hooliganis­tic school children is their parents. If they constantly protect their children’s bad behaviour, dress code and hairstyles, then they are breeding thugs and misfits.

There is raw sewage flowing into the Umhlatuzan­a River. This is causing a huge stink. We have complained to the authoritie­s but nothing is being done. Save us from pollution.

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