Daily News

Wholesale onslaught on Hinduism a worry

- SAGREN NAIDOO | Shallcross

WITH reference to the letters headed “Stop posting offensive stuff on faiths” (Daily News, May 11) and “Intoleranc­e shall not be tolerated” (May 19), I take this opportunit­y of commending the Hindu Unity Movement in its approach on sensitive matters such as this.

Mischief-making targeted at cultures, religious practices and stuff offensive to all faiths by individual­s and groups cannot and should not be tolerated under any circumstan­ces. There should be respect for all religions.

As a Hindu, I am most concerned at the wholesale onslaught on Hinduism by all and sundry. People seem to have no respect for Hindu culture, practices and traditions that stretch far back in time.

What was described as mythology has now been proven to be true. Just as Sanathan Dharma is based on truth, so is the outlook of all Hindus.

There is nothing in our Holy Scriptures that attacks other people or religions. We do not claim that Sanathan Dharma is the only religion that leads you to God.

It is universall­y known that Hindus are tolerant people. Actually, it is more than that. It is respect for all of mankind and all of God’s creatures. If you disrespect this, then you are far away from realising God, no matter what faith you follow.

Again I must commend the Hindu Unity Movement. I now feel better that there is a movement that has the will and determinat­ion to stand up without fear or favour for the rights of, and respect for, the Hindu community.

As a Hindu, it is my fervent hope and prayer that no discrimina­tion shall be practised in our beautiful country. That none shall plot and plan turmoil with the object of forcing their beliefs on to all of us.

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