Daily News

Rethink likely if leaders’ kids were in public schools



Germany and Japan rebuilt their countries into major economic powerhouse­s after being virtually destroyed after WW II – within 30 years or less. African countries were definitely not destroyed in the same way by colonialis­m 60 years ago. What have African countries done to rebuild their own countries into economic powerhouse­s? They made the massive mistake of choosing communism, tribalism, corruption and looting and their leaders, their regimes and their communist cadres and partners from Russia, Cuba and China should be able to provide the answers.


Let every government minister and provincial MEC send their children/grandchild­ren to a public school where there are 50 pupils and more, and then see how they’ll change their tune about schools being safe to reopen. Selfish, entitled and arrogant!

Public libraries must be closed for at least a year to prevent the spread of coronaviru­s. Imagine touching a book on the shelf that has been touched by five other people. Public libraries must only offer e-books otherwise thousands will be infected.

Wow I just found out that there is a police officer who is selling cigarettes in Wentworth. How does that happen?

Mr Kamal Panday you are obviously referring only to those fortunate pupils who have a computer at home to do distance learning. Are you not worried about the other half who live in rural areas?

Once again I have been able to have my whisky every afternoon and wine with my dinner every night and guess what? I haven’t hit my wife or kids, haven’t walked around my neighbourh­ood in a drunken state, haven’t felt that my health has deteriorat­ed to the extent that I am more likely to contract Covid-19 because I am consuming more liquor than I was during the extended lockdown. I’m feeling great! | Marcel, Hillcrest.

I just read that Durban metro cops will attend to noise complaints to break up house gatherings. What a joke! Where I live in Phoenix this has been going on from level 5 of the lockdown and after my wife and I complained numerous times to the metro cops and Phoenix SAPS none of them did anything to attend to the problem. Now during level

3 of the lockdown these guys and two females sit under a huge tree on the roadside across my house, they drink alcohol openly, smoke dagga, use vulgar language and other illicit behaviour and yet again after several complaints to metro police they never responded. I was told by a female officer at Phoenix SAPS that I must sort out my own problems and not contact the police. I was shocked. | NR, Phoenix.

The state is playing for time here, there are much bigger things to attend to than banning the sale of smokes, come on guys catch a wake-up. A carton of smokes is going for R1 300 on the black market.

Food hampers – councillor­s are having a whale of a time. They pick and choose who gets a hamper. Friends and relatives top their lists, not the poor and downtrodde­n. This is rampant in Chatsworth. Particular political party men don their T-shirts for media exposure and hand out hampers amid much fanfare. Ask that same councillor to address issues of illegal trade and illegal businesses mostly conducted by their fellow party men, violation of lockdown rules etc, and you will be avoided like the plague. Many are using the guise of political parties to fuel the businesses. | Zia

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