Daily News

Zuma must be punished


THE adage, “we are all equal before the law” is misleading and dishonest. The wealthy and politicall­y connected have and will always enjoy special treatment.

What former President Zuma did to South Africa, even Apartheid struggled for decades to achieve.

President Zuma ruined our reputation. The world now knows that blacks are just as corrupt and wicked as whites during Apartheid.

The liberation movement lost the moral high ground which took 100 of years of sacrifice to establish. Mandela carried the moral high ground and Zuma ruined it.

South Africa is no longer the darling of the world. We do not shine as a beacon of responsibl­e and accountabl­e governance. We are like any other African country where the rich exploit the poor and the politicall­y linked steal from the public. Governance was not perfect under Mandela or Mbeki. But both men had stature and upheld dignity.

Zuma had limited interest in the reputation of our nation.

The corruption and irresponsi­ble governance under Zuma hurt the reputation of our nation globally and has created massive unemployme­nt.

When regular criminals witness such conduct from a president, criminals are inspired. A criminal is different from an average innocent person. A criminal is like an animal that senses wicked prospects.

For allowing people to suffer at the hands of criminals, Zuma must pay. If this does not happen, criminals will continue disregardi­ng the law. Our nation will spiral deeper into crime and vigilante justice will increase.

The selfish ego of one man cannot supersede the wellbeing of an entire nation, God is watching.

CLLR YAGYAH ADAMS | Cape Muslim Congress

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