Daily News




Cy the Cynic says that if at first you don’t succeed, try a few more times so your failure will be statistica­lly significan­t. But when Cy was today’s declarer, he had only one chance to fail.

At four spades, Cy won the trump opening lead with the ace and led a diamond to dummy’s king. East took the ace and returned a trump, and when West won the next diamond, he led a third trump. Cy pitched a heart on dummy’s ace of clubs, but he had two more losing diamonds. Down one.


Cy’s play was statistica­lly inferior. He gets an extra chance by unblocking his king of clubs at Trick Two, then leading a diamond to the king. When East wins and returns a trump, the Cynic wins in dummy, takes the ace of clubs, ruffs a club and concedes a diamond. If defense leads another trump, Cy wins in dummy and ruffs a club. He can lead a heart to dummy and pitch a loser on the good fifth club. If clubs broke badly, Cy would have an outside chance for a diamond ruff in dummy.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ Q92 ♥ A 4 2 ♦ K5 ♣ A 10 8 6 3. You open one club, your partner responds one heart, you bid 1NT and he tries two spades. What do you say? Answer: Show your heart support. (To raise to two hearts at your second turn would have been defensible.) Since partner has suggested a shapely hand, that is what he wants to hear. Bid three hearts. With stronger support — if you had Q 9 2, A K 2, A 2, J 10 8 6 3 — you would jump to four hearts.

South dealer

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