Daily News

Nutrition for kids, key is a healthy relationsh­ip with food

- VIWE NDONGENI-NTLEBI viwe.ndongeni@inl.co.za

COVID-19 has made us acutely aware of how important our health and well-being is, but for parents it has highlighte­d how critical it is for your little ones to develop healthy relationsh­ips with food from a young age.

Experts say until about 6 months old, breast milk or formula is sufficient as the sole source of nutrition for babies. And while this will remain the primary source of nutrition until 12 months, the nutritiona­l needs of a baby increase to support growth and developmen­t. And that is why solids become necessary.

For many parents, making the transition to solids can feel daunting. Some babies are varied and adventurou­s eaters, while others are picky.

Nadia Jansen van Rensburg, co-founder of Rooted Natural and a clinical dietitian with a special interest in paediatric nutrition, says from four to six months, infants are ready to start exploring a new method of feeding – and new foods, flavours and textures.

Their nutritiona­l needs increase and the introducti­on of solids helps to optimise growth and brain developmen­t. Plus, more energy from food supports their active bodies as they begin to sit, play and crawl. It’s a wide window period and experts encourage parents to take their cue from their little ones.

Van Rensburg says children often show you when they’re ready by grabbing at food, and sucking their lips or opening their mouths when morsels are nearby.

She says it’s a great idea to get into regular feeding rhythms right from the start. “Sit your little one at the table in a chair or in a chair with a clip-on tray and make sure their feet are supported. Avoid screens and any distractio­ns.

“Try to get them excited about the food – its taste, textures, colours and smells. Positively talking about food is an important part of the process.

“Allow them to play. Play is a pivotal part of children’s learning process so let them have fun with their food. That’s how they’ll learn to eat by themselves,” says Van Rensburg.

She also suggests to time the feeding sessions well.

“Your baby should be rested, hungry and interested; not overly hungry, overtired, stimulated or fed. Importantl­y, you need to be relaxed as well.

“Go with a single flavour at first. Think about starting with vegetables, then progressin­g to fruit, grains and protein combinatio­ns.”

Laager Rooibos dietitian Mbali Mapholi agrees, saying when introducin­g solids, it’s important to remember what nutrition the baby needs.

Protein: Babies still get protein from breast milk or formula but their requiremen­ts have increased a bit. Food sources for protein include beef, chicken, maas, eggs, legumes, beans and fish.

Calcium: This is important for the developmen­t of bones and teeth, but cow’s milk shouldn’t be given to babies until their first birthday. There are plant-based calcium food sources to add such as green leafy vegetables, tofu, sardines, fortified baby cereal, beans and lentils.

Whole grains and complex carbohydra­tes: These are packed with nutrients and proteins that are good for babies. Food sources include wholegrain bread, whole-grain cereal (baby cereal for spoon-feeding or bite-size cereal for self-feeding), fortified maizemeal, lentils, beans, potatoes and peas.

The UN Children’s Fund (Unicef) advises giving your baby her first foods after she has breastfed, or between nursing sessions, so she continues to breastfeed as much as possible.

In addition to grains and tubers, it recommends feeding your baby a variety of foods – especially animal protein (dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry), fruits and vegetables – every day.

When introducin­g solids, Unicef says parents should take extra care so that the little one doesn’t become sick.

“As she crawls about and explores, germs can spread from her hands to her mouth. Protect your baby from getting sick by washing your hands and theirs with soap before preparing food and before every feeding.”

It’s also important to know that when presented with a wide variety of wholesome foods and allowed to follow their appetites, almost all healthy babies eat as much as they need to grow and thrive.

As long as the little one is growing at a healthy rate, along their personal growth curve (and a health-care practition­er will let you know if they are not), they’re probably getting all the nutrition they need.

Mapholi shares other tips:

1. Start slowly as babies have small tummies. Your baby can consume anything except honey and cow’s milk (wait after their first birthday for this).

2. As the baby’s intake of solids increases, milk intake should remain the same.

3. Avoid fruit and vegetable juices as these may cause dental issues.

4. Do not add sugar, salt, or any seasoning on baby food and beverages. You can add oils, nut butter, margarine or peanut butter to your baby’s foods and drinks to improve their nutrition.

5. At 6 to 8 months, purée or thoroughly mash home-cooked food items.

6. From 9 to 12 months, they can start to eat more textured food items. This is when they can hold and eat chopped up foods.

7. Each meal needs to be easy for your baby to eat and packed with nutrition. Make every bite count.

8. Cooking your own baby meals at home is the best way to meet their nutritiona­l needs on a budget.

9. If your baby refuses a new food or spits it out, do not force it. Try again a few days later. You can also try mixing it with another food that your baby likes.

 ?? WILLIAM FORTUNATO Pexels ?? START slowly as babies have small tummies. |
WILLIAM FORTUNATO Pexels START slowly as babies have small tummies. |

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