Daily News

Kate releases single to tell world she’s ‘coming out’


DURBAN musician Katelyn “Kate” Anniah is on a mission. The 24-yearold wants the world to know her name and enjoy her music, and she is working hard to make sure that happens.

She recently released Venom, a single about acceptance, which has hit the airwaves in the UK.

Kate, her stage name, teamed up with Uk-based producer Osfire the best way she knew how, via social media.

She said: “I took a chance and made my way to Instagram, searched for music producers in Europe, specifical­ly the United Kingdom, and that’s how I found Osfire.

“I started working on Venom around the beginning of 2021. I originally wrote it for the sole purpose of sharing it with my Tiktok followers for fun, but I decided to keep it private until I could eventually record and release it.”

Venom is inspired by her journey as a member of the LGBTQAI+ community.

“Another inspiratio­n for writing this single comes from strangers that supported my coming out story on Tiktok. A couple of them started to message me, saying I’ve inspired them because they’re also dealing with similar situations of having to hide from family and the world. From sharing my story, my support on Tiktok has grown to about 23 800 people, which is incredibly heart-warming.”

Kate said Venom is not a typical love song. “The lyrical content behind Venom is about coming out of the closet to feeling a bit suffocated with religion, being a part of the queer community whilst dealing with social norms and learning how to be comfortabl­e in your own skin and to just forget about everyone’s opinions about who you’re allowed to love.”

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