Daily News

Showing united front not same thing as governing



Dear President Cyril Ramaphosa. This country SA will never experience peace with Minister Pravin Gordhan refusing to come clean. He is busy manipulati­ng African leaders like you did during the Codesa negotiatio­ns of the early 1990s. Mr President, there are good, honest replacemen­ts for Gordhan, that you can choose from. Ramaphosa, I challenge you and call you out in the open. The people voted for you, not for Gordhan. On the card sold to them was “Correcting Wrongs of the Past”. Showing a united front on TV is not the same as running the country. Sars rogue unit victims are looking for justice. | MFAN'FIKILE MKHIZE

Our Minister of Finance needs to take his head out of the very deep hole in the sand in which it is clearly buried. His assertions that this country only experience­s “isolated incidents” of crime is so far off the mark as to be prepostero­us and frankly, a blatant misreprese­ntation of the truth! Some 5 760 murders in South Africa since June, 62 a day, billions looted in July, farm murders and the political assassinat­ion season ahead of the local government elections is in full swing with countless killings in a few weeks.

Murder, rape and corruption are a pandemic worse than Covid19 in this country. Police Minister Bheki Cele criss-crosses the country “shot-left” style, once in a blue moon announces the capture of a suspect with hardly any conviction. How much is spent on these “PR” stunts? Surely, it’s time he reported his performanc­e stats on a daily basis like national health does with Covid19 stats. By doing so, the citizens will be in a position to judge his worth.

When will this government wake up and realise that having these so-called ward councillor­s is a waste of time and money? They should do away with this system. It causes so much death and destructio­n. And yet, nothing is being done to stop the killings. In the olden days, no one was getting killed for positions.

Fifty-nine passengers were injured when a bus overturned in KZN. This is the second major bus crash in the past few days. So when will President Cyril Ramaphosa act on the pleas of road safety experts to lower speed limits and copy the “Vision Zero” road safety measures already in place in other countries and designed to reduce road deaths to zero? How much longer must we wait for action from our president? | RICHARD BENSON, ROAD SAFETY ACTION CAMPAIGN


The three accused of torturing and killing security guard Loyiso Mbidana now find family and health as their excuse. Do you think Mr Mbidana does not have a family? He was a human being who obviously had a family to feed. The accused allegedly cleaned the crime scene. It is clear, this barbaric act on another human being does not deserve bail. | TJ

I purchased a Vodacom voucher at Spar Chatsworth for R29. The voucher had an invalid pin number. I phoned Vodacom the first time.

The consultant told me to go to Spar, because the voucher was not used. When I went to Spar, I was told if it is airtime nothing can be done by the manager. I phoned Vodacom again, and I was told to send the copy of the voucher, which I did. The voucher does not have an expiry date. I bought a voucher from Pep Store with an expiry date of three years for R29 and did not experience any problems. Now I still have the Spar voucher with the invalid pin number, and Vodacom never refunded me. I will never buy a Vodacom voucher from Spar stores.

The article, Certificat­es of bravery for heroes, in the Daily News on Tuesday is at odds with the furore over the DA’S posters shouting, “The ANC calls you racists”, “We call you heroes”. Is the African Democratic Change not echoing the same sentiments as the DA?

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