Perfect time to reel in the bass
Allow the fish a second or two to get the frog into their mouth and then set the hook.
Local angler Lashen Murugan reported a 6.74kg bucket mouth from Albert Falls! The fish fell for a 4-inch Senko while fishing from the bank. Congrats Lashen on a fish just 452g short of the SA record which stands at 7.192kg.
Alistair Moores-pitt reports having success with topwater lures on Midmar Dam. The carp fishing has been good. The fish have not been the size that we all want but you cannot complain if you are having to empty your keepnet more than once in a session.
Albert Falls has been the pick of the conventional anglers’ venues. Most of the dam has seen good fishing with sweet flavours being reported as the winners.
Try to keep your baited areas well stocked as the smaller fish are very effective at clearing an area of food in minutes.
The specimen fishing has not seen much reported in recent weeks as the summer season is generally slow for the big fish.
Try switching to particles. Much like the conventional angling, keep the baited area well stocked and make sure to put out the best baits you can.
The trout fishing has slowed down with the onset of summer and the warmer weather.
The trout don’t enjoy the warmer weather as much as we do.
The deeper stillwaters are still producing good results but most of the anglers have changed their focus to either river trout or targeting the scalies.
Sterkfontein is starting and the first reports of Smallmouth Yellows on dry are starting to filter in.
The flytiers are gearing up, and there are some pretty full boxes to drool over on social media.
The Parks Board resort remains closed, so access to the dam is limited … at this stage one can only launch at Qwantani. Dam levels are still up, and will get fed some more as the summer rains come in … Midmar Dam sitting shy of 90%, Albert Falls 48%, Spring Grove 78.5%, Mearns 68% and Wagendrift 93%.
For the best in tackle and advice, pop into The Kingfisher 8am-5pm Monday to Friday, and 8am-1pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Subscribe to our Youtube channel for new video releases and to brush up on your species knowledge, and tips/tricks at com/c/thekingfisherfishing
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Send info about fishing or fish caught in your area to mike.pereira@