Daily News

Taking fear out of 'Squid Game'


KAITLYN Witman had grand plans for a Great British Bake Off marathon – hours of a show generally described as a comforting treat.

She intended to scroll directly past Squid Game, the runaway hit show on Netflix. But her co-workers – like everyone’s co-workers – couldn't stop talking about it.

“So, I took the bait and watched the first episode,” says Witman, 31, a marketing executive in Seattle. “It took me a week to recover.”

Still, she felt compelled to keep watching, so she had something to discuss at work. After episode four, she had one request for this reporter: “Wish me luck” with the rest of the ultra-violent, disturbing series.

Witman isn’t the only person reluctantl­y streaming Squid Game, a South Korean series that pits impoverish­ed characters against one another in a Hunger Games-style, winner-takes-all battle.

The series has become a cultural phenomenon, leading some to turn it on and cover their eyes through the grisly parts, just so they can keep up at the water cooler or on Instagram (looking at you, “Red Light, Green Light” memes).

It’s natural to want to tune into a show to feel in on something seemingly everyone’s talking about, says Kent Bausman, a professor of sociology at Maryville University in St Louis.

His students had been coaxing him to watch Squid Game since it was released, and last week, he gave it a try – and was eager to inform his class that he thought it was “very good”. “We’ll have our cultural bonding moment,” he predicted of discussing the show with his students.

Still, watching isn’t necessaril­y fun for everyone. If you’re among the reluctant viewers of Squid Game – or any other show that challenges your emotional capacity – here's a look at why TV violence has such an impact on us, plus advice for standing your ground as a non-viewer or if you decide to watch, hacks for making that more tolerable.

How and why watching violence affects us

The Parents Television and Media Council recently cautioned that the “incredibly violent” Squid Game should be on parents’ radar because children are finding ways to watch it and are also being exposed to violent memes. But while children tend to be most affected by violent TV programmes and are often the focus of concern when it comes to shows such as Squid Game, violent content can also affect adults.

“The research shows that exposure to violent media increases aggressive thoughts,” says Brad J Bushman, a professor of communicat­ion at Ohio State University who studies the causes, consequenc­es and solutions to human aggression and violence.

“It increases angry feelings. It increases physiologi­cal arousal, like heart rate and blood pressure.” Plus, he says, watching violent TV “decreases feelings of empathy and compassion for others. It makes people numb to the pain and suffering of others, which researcher­s call desensitis­ation, and it decreases pro-social behaviours like helping others, co-operation and sharing things.”

Even brief exposure to media violence can increase aggressive thinking and behaviour, Bushman says, but the consequenc­es worsen with duration. “It’s kind of like smoking cigarettes," he says. “Probably smoking one won’t give you lung cancer, but it will still harm you, and every cigarette has a cumulative effect over time."

Of course, not everyone who watches such a programme will become violent – but their upset feelings might linger. It could lead to long-term anxiety, depression or nightmares, says Beverly Hills-based psychiatri­st Carole Lieberman. “At the same time, it has an addictive quality to it that makes you come back for more – like when you can’t stop staring at a terrible car accident on the side of the road.”

Lieberman notes that Squid Game is “very disturbing – more for its grotesque close-ups of dying people who are desperate for money than for the actual violence we see in the games.” She worries that the show could have particular­ly troubling ripple effects now, as our society is already on edge after a tumultuous couple of years.

“Not everyone becomes a serial killer, but the aggression can show itself in road rage, air rage, domestic violence and so on,” she says. Plus, “the more hours of violent media we watch, the more we become convinced that we live in a mean world.”

But why would we watch something that we know is staged affect us so deeply? Bushman likens it to virtual reality. He's observed people wearing a 3D headset who attempt to walk across a thin board that stretches over a virtual canyon. Some are too frightened to take a single step.

“People know for sure that there’s not a canyon beneath them, but they’re terrified,” he says. “We’re hardwired to avoid violence. If our ancient ancestors ignored the sabre tooth tiger, they didn’t pass on their genes to the next generation. Violent cues immediatel­y grab our attention, and even though our prefrontal cortex may tell us it’s not real, the ancient parts of our brain don’t know that.”

How to stick to your decision to not watch

If you truly don’t want to watch an uncomforta­ble show like Squid Game, experts say you shouldn’t force yourself – no matter how much you worry your social currency might drop.

“I’d recommend acknowledg­ing and validating your emotions and then reminding yourself why you made the decision,” says Jessica Tappana, a licensed clinical social worker and director of Aspire Counsellin­g in Columbia.

For example, she suggests telling yourself: “Violence upsets me, and I don’t need a reason to feel that way. I also feel left out when I don’t understand what everyone else is talking about. Both of these can be true.”

Tappana’s philosophy: “Just own your personal truth that you don’t enjoy the show.” Sometimes, she drops silly comments into the conversati­on, like: “Yup. Once again, I’m the only one who doesn’t understand the references,” in a way that makes clear she’s joking. Tone is important, she says. You don’t want to come across as judging others for watching these shows.

Another tip: Focus on what you do have in common with whoever is chatting about a TV show you haven’t watched, Tappana suggests. “Sometimes, I may even look for opportunit­ies to change the conversati­on,” she says.

“But, undoubtedl­y, there will be moments where everyone else feels like they’re sharing inside jokes. Mentally remind yourself of the moments where you do feel connected to these individual­s, and then maybe look for more opportunit­ies to seek those moments out.”

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