Daily News

Facing challenges head-on for a better 2022


AS THE SECOND year of the Covid-19 pandemic draws to a close, I have been taking stock of the past 12 months, which have by many accounts been some of the toughest our country has faced in many years.

I’m not the first person, and I won’t be the last to consider how Covid has shaped and changed us.

However, I do look at the world, and business in particular, through the very specific lens of culture, and that is how I’ve been analysing the past year and asking: Where to from here?

The fierce grip of uncertaint­y

Right now, almost everyone I meet or work with is in some form of survival mode, trying to deal with the uncertaint­y of a pandemic that has dragged on longer than anyone anticipate­d.

What does that uncertaint­y look like? For businesses, it’s taking the form of retrenchme­nts, battening down the hatches and refusing to take risks.

It’s leadership teams still trying to navigate remote working, and in many cases, insisting that people come back to the office so that they can return to the watchful eyes of management – whether they want to or not.

It’s fear that the next wave will cause even greater disruption­s and that customers will continue to reduce their budgets.

For employees, life is equally uncertain, which is manifestin­g itself in different ways. Unsanction­ed absenteeis­m is at an all-time high across industries.

Many businesses and HR teams do not know why or what to do about it. On the one hand, it seems counter-intuitive when South Africa’s unemployme­nt levels are at their highest that those who are employed would risk disciplina­ry action.

I have a different view. When people do not feel safe, they cannot give their all to work. I have always maintained that the purpose of work is to serve others.

This aligns with wanting to add value to your customer’s life. But if that purpose is shaken, if an individual is living with uncertaint­y, anxiety and fear, it only stands to reason that they lose all motivation to go to work.

A pay cheque is important, but it will rarely, if ever, override an individual’s sense of purpose.

Other employees are working around the clock, too scared to not be available 24/7 in case their managers or clients need them.

Families and personal health are being neglected in pursuit of an “always on” lifestyle. It’s been a hard, non-stop year, and for many people, burnout is becoming inevitable.

Finding a light in the storm

Of course, this isn’t true of every business or every individual. Some teams are thriving. They’ve used the challenges of the pandemic to forge stronger bonds and build robust cultures.

They have trimmed away unnecessar­y processes and streamline­d how they work and engage with clients. And they have refocused on what matters most: serving customers.

Leaders of these businesses have put the emotional and physical well-being of their employees first. They have focused on being culture-driven leaders who exist to support their employees. And the business and its clients have won as a result.

Many individual­s have made life-changing decisions as well. Families have moved out of cities, and parents have changed their lifestyles to free up more time for their children and loved ones.

We can use pandemic success stories as a guide for how to use disruption to build back better. These are some of the areas I am thinking about as this year draws to a close and which I urge leadership and HR teams to think deeply about ahead of the new year.

How can we re-engage our employees? We need look no further than our municipal elections to see that South Africans are suffering from a deep sense of apathy and hopelessne­ss. When people feel they have no control over a situation, they stop engaging.

No one can pretend we have control over the pandemic, but we can remind ourselves that our actions matter. The more responsibi­lities and decision-making capabiliti­es you can give to your teams, the better.

How can you instil this from January so everyone feels they are active participan­ts in the business rather than subject to every whim and fluctuatio­n of the world, the economy and clients?

How can we build resilience? The 7 Cs of resilience are competence, confidence, connection, character, contributi­on, coping and control.

A business cannot be resilient if its people are not resilient. You will notice that almost all of the 7 Cs come down to culture and training.

A strong culture encourages, recognises and rewards contributi­on and is the foundation for connection­s and helping people to both cope and control how they show up at work.

Training builds competence, which in turn leads to confidence. And everything feeds into and supports character. How are you building your culture to support these traits?

How can we put people – and not profits – first? Salaries are the highest costs in most businesses, and therein lies the problem. If you need to reduce costs, you start with people. This is why retrenchme­nts are currently so high and why uncertaint­y plagues most workforces.

Who will be next? Except people should not be viewed as costs. They are profit generators. They are the core of a business. They are the people who create what you sell and who serve your customers.

Stop thinking of them as a drain on your bottom line, and remember that without them, you have no bottom line. If you have to trim back, have a candid discussion with your people.

Perhaps everyone can sacrifice a small percentage of their salaries to keep your teams whole.

 ?? IAN FUHR Get that Feeling, The Soul of Sorbet and Culturenee­ring. ?? Founder of The Hatch Institute and Sorbet Group and author of
IAN FUHR Get that Feeling, The Soul of Sorbet and Culturenee­ring. Founder of The Hatch Institute and Sorbet Group and author of

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