Daily News

‘Even a blind man can see Mafe is not guilty’ of arson



Even a blind man can see he is not guilty, but a scapegoat. In the meantime, no consequenc­e for the politician­s who did not take insurance for the building, or kept security and protection procedures in place. | NICOLETTE BAILEY

Remember, Parliament is a key area to secure. Now that the ANC politician­s and their law enforcemen­t messed up, they want to look like they were not sleeping on duty. This man will now go in and out of court for something he did not do. It is tragic. He is lucky the likes of Advocate Mpofu saw the injustice and decided to help. | XOLA MSIZANE

Zandile Mafe’s second applicatio­n will be heard in court soon. We call for his immediate release as the state does not have evidence that he set Parliament on fire. Mafe cannot be used as a scapegoat when the criminal is still out there. | ZANDILE HLABISA


The immense damage that EFF leader Julius Malema caused by his irresponsi­ble statements in Durban, threatenin­g to take the land and all the expensive buildings in the Umhlanga region north of Durban, has sent a very clear message to investors here and abroad that SA is a major investment risk. With unemployme­nt reaching close to 50%, any hope of reducing this has now vanished, thanks to Malema. This statement will encourage wealthy people to sell up and move to safer countries, reducing the tax base and creating more unemployme­nt | NARESH SINGH

As for the North Beach Pool, R23 million was spent, that we know of, but it is still a dirty hole in the ground. The conclusion would be that the powers that be have no brains. Question: What does the council do with the billions of rand they are receiving in rates from this huge municipali­ty? | ROBERT

If there is no one attending to the herd, then the metro police have every right to impound or shoot the animals. Now who is going to compensate the family for their loss? Have residents got a right to shoot these animals? Phoenix is not a rural area. Are the police and the government too scared or apathetic to enforce rules? What is the world coming to? | KRISHNEE

The “MOTI” clan are calling the shots. Children get kidnapped, payment is made instantly, the saga ends with the children safe back home. Now, if one has to really investigat­e this incident, it was all well planned. The insurance company that made the payment knew the parents were wealthy and played along. It must have been in the mix like the police, banks, lawyers, judges and border visa control officers, who all got a big pay-back. Making this family slip and slide so effortless­ly out of the country. Was it a real kidnapping or a love triangle gone wrong, or maybe the jilted mistress or master took revenge and used the children as bait? To sweep the incident under the carpet without facing scrutiny and embarrassm­ent, the parents paid the ransom and did the great escape. | HSIRK

So, the registered sex offenders are among the public, I presume. What purpose does a register serve; it does not help victims? Also, it does not help the public if they are not aware of the perpetrato­rs, and employers and NPOS do not know these people. | SANELISIWE XOLO

Traders and civilians litter Isipingo all the time and complain when the drains are blocked. The council should have more bins and more frequent collection­s. But, probably nothing will change. | NEELESHEN NAIDOO

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