Daily News

Disinforma­tion feeds fears


INTERNATIO­NAL observers expressed concern yesterday about the spread of disinforma­tion during the long wait for results from Kenya’s election, as provisiona­l counts point to a tight presidenti­al race.

Preliminar­y results broadcast by local media indicate that Deputy President William Ruto and Raila Odinga, the veteran opposition leader now backed by the ruling party, are neckand-neck, raising the likelihood of a challenge by the losing candidate.

No presidenti­al poll outcome has gone unconteste­d in Kenya since 2002, and the disputes have led to bloodshed in the past, involving either ethnic clashes or police violence.

The Independen­t Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is under pressure to deliver a free and fair poll after 2017 presidenti­al vote was annulled due to irregulari­ties in the counting process and mismanagem­ent by the election body.

But with the complex process of verifying and tallying votes expected to take days, social media is swamped with disinforma­tion about the results, with rights campaigner­s and civil society groups accusing both candidates’ camps of sharing misleading posts.

Observers from the Commonweal­th warned yesterday that the delay in releasing the results was allowing disinforma­tion to spread rapidly online.

“The time lag between the announceme­nt of the official results by the IEBC and the provisiona­l, and at times conflictin­g, results announced by the media is an area of concern,” Bruce Golding, chairperso­n of the Commonweal­th Observer Group, told a press conference in Nairobi.

At a separate briefing, observers from the United States also voiced concern about misinforma­tion spreading as the counting process entered its third day.

“It’s important that there is timely

and accurate informatio­n and that all the citizens have access to that informatio­n,” said Donna Brazile of the National Democratic Institute.

“It is about the citizens having trust in the system and that is working properly. It is not about the continuati­on of campaigns – campaigns have ended, and results must be tabulated accurately to ensure confidence in the system.”

The remarks echoed concerns shared by Amnesty Internatio­nal and several Kenyan civil society groups on Wednesday about “rising levels of false or misleading informatio­n” being shared on social media.

They said in a statement that several posts by candidates and their

supporters in the rival camps had “intentiona­lly sought to misinform the electorate and the public” on the electoral process and election results.

“These include distortion, false informatio­n shared without malicious intent (misinforma­tion) and those shared to deliberate­ly deceive people (disinforma­tion).”

Kenyans voted in six elections on Tuesday, choosing a new president as well as senators, governors, lawmakers, woman representa­tives and some 1 500 county officials in polls that were largely peaceful.

The IEBC has yet to publish a final turnout figure but as of yesterday, turnout was just over 65%. That compares with a final turnout of 78% in the

disputed August 2017 election.

Observers from the East African Community said the lower turnout, especially among Kenyans aged under 35, was worrying.

“This should concern everyone that young people are not participat­ing in the process,” said Jakaya Kikwete, head of the bloc’s observatio­n mission.

As economic pressures have mounted in the country of 50 million, with food and fuel costs shooting up, many Kenyans said they were fed up with electing leaders who had done little to ease their troubles.

“I have voted twice in my life and after the last election I decided I won’t even vote because it is a waste of time,” Ruth Musyoki, 40, said.

 ?? | Reuters ?? INTERNATIO­NAL observers attend a briefing on Kenya’s general election organised by the Independen­t Electoral and Boundaries Commission in Nairobi, Kenya, yesterday.
| Reuters INTERNATIO­NAL observers attend a briefing on Kenya’s general election organised by the Independen­t Electoral and Boundaries Commission in Nairobi, Kenya, yesterday.

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