Daily News

BFFS fallout as the tension boils over on a trip to Greyton in ‘TRHOCT’

- OLUTHANDO KETEYI oluthando.keteyi@inl.co.za

THE pent-up frustratio­ns on The Real Housewives of Cape Town has finally exploded.

Halfway through the reality show, the cracks are on full display, and the episodes are heating up.

From the moment the ladies arrived at Camilla’s home for their trip to Greyton, the drama was bubbling under.

“The Queen of Constantia’s” home has been a hot topic among the other ladies, thanks to Mrs Leo and Beverley.

With this in mind, Camilla was bound to feel protective of her home and while Thato and Rooksie came prepared for a house tour, Camilla made it clear it was not on the cards.

The fight between Thato and Camilla was quite the rocky start to the trip, and things just went downhill after that, with one fight after another.

The squabbles between the ladies wouldn’t die down.

They hadn’t even left for their road trip when voices were being raised.

During a pit stop on the way to Greyton, Beverely spilt to Thato, in confidence, that she had gone too far and saged Camilla’s house, and she explained how she fears backlash for it.

Luemommy’s introducti­on to the ladies was lost in the drama of the ladies and certainly wasn’t helped by Thato having “memory loss” when she introduced herself.

As with any Real Housewives franchise, there is always some cattiness when it comes to the rooms, and the situation here was no different.

All the ladies went to pick a key from a bowl. Rushtush found no key in the bowl, thanks to Mrs Leo’s uninvited guest.

The “unpacking” of Thato, Rooksie and Camilla’s tiff had highs and lows. Camilla apologised for her misinterpr­etation of the situation, and Thato explained her outburst with no apology and spilt the beans on Beverley.

While secrets were spilt, Mrs Leo made it clear she wouldn't be standing by Beverley's side when Camilla found out about her saging her home.

Dinner is meant to be a time to unwind and have some good food and wine following the long trip, but this one was hard to swallow with all the tension in the room.

 ?? ?? REAL Housewives of Cape Town besties Beverley Steyn and Thato Montse. | Instagram
REAL Housewives of Cape Town besties Beverley Steyn and Thato Montse. | Instagram

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