Daily News




“Simple Saturday” columns focus on basic technique and logical thinking. When you’re declarer at a major-suit game, keep first principles in mind: You need 10 winners and can afford three losers.

In today’s deal, North’s two-diamond cue bid showed a good hand with spade support. Against four spades, West led a diamond, and East took the nine and ace and led the king. South pondered and ruffed with the ace of trumps. South next cashed the queen of trumps. When East discarded, South could lead a trump to dummy’s ten and cash the king, but West had a trump trick. South also lost a heart to East and went down one.

Six Trumps

South neglected to count his winners and losers. He has six sure trump tricks, three clubs and a heart, and he can afford to lose two diamonds and one more trick somewhere.

On the third diamond, South must pitch a heart. If East shifts to a club, South wins and cashes the ace of trumps. He can proceed to pick up West’s trumps and make his game.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ K 10 6 ♥ Q 10 9 4 ♦ 10 6 4 ♣A Q 5. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart, he bids two clubs and you try 2NT. Partner then rebids three clubs. What do you say? Answer: Your partner says he wants no part or either game or notrump. He has a minimum hand, probably with five cards in each minor suit. Don’t persist with notrump; bid three diamonds. Your 2NT described your hand, and to bid 3NT now would show the same values twice.

East dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ?? ??

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